
Destined Quotes

Destined by Aprilynne Pike

Destined Quotes
"I would have given up everything for you." - Yuki
"We could have been so good together, Tam." - Yuki
"I was ready. That’s why I stopped you before you brought me inside." - Yuki
"We don’t belong with them; we belong together." - Yuki
"There isn’t a door in this world that can be closed to us, Tam." - Yuki
"We’re being used by people who don’t care what we want or what makes us happy." - Yuki
"I’ve never done anything to hurt you and you know I could have. I could have killed you a million times, but I didn’t. Doesn’t that count for anything?" - Yuki
"I have a home and family to protect. And I will do whatever it takes to keep Avalon safe." - Shar
"The only thing standing between Yuki and Avalon is that she does not know its exact location." - Shar
"I can’t stand by and let it get worse." - David
"I know how much they mean to you and... and I’m sorry they got hurt." - Tamani
"Never underestimate the power of a situation you put yourself into." - Tamani
"You’re amazing all by yourself." - Tamani to Chelsea
"The only thing you’re owed is a bullet in the head." - Klea
"Despite being a Winter faerie, I don’t think Yuki is a threat to Laurel personally." - Tamani
"Our perfect symmetry is something you humans value for some reason." - Tamani
"She’s prettier than you, more magical than you, just plain better than you." - Yuki
"I know what it feels like to pine for someone. I know the pain it can bring." - Tamani
"I’m going to go," Chelsea said wearily, before Laurel could follow Shar.
"Even the great Oberon stepped back to preserve himself when the battle raged its fiercest."
"The branch that will not bend is the first to fall before the storm."
"What we go to do now is not great – it is only necessary."
"Believe me when I say it is as simple as swinging the sword."
"Sometimes retaining an item’s natural power is more important than keeping up its outer appearance."
"If we do not take the battle to them, they are sure to bring it back to us eventually."
"I have seen your work. You’re no destroyer. You’re stronger than that."
"Anyone can pluck a flower, true strength is knowing how to give it life."
"You think yours is the only life at stake here, Ticer?"
"Don’t make it numb, I can’t move as well if I can’t feel it. Just put the healing tonic on and bind it. That’s all I can let you do right now."
"A true hero knows love is more powerful than hate."
"You’ll go back to being a lowly human, unworthy of their notice. After all you’ve done for them – all the trolls you’ve killed?"
"You’re a healer, Laurel, you always have been. And even though you’re angry right now, you don’t have it in you."
"I love you. And I’m asking you... No, I’m begging you, to come be with me."
"You don’t understand, I can’t be your Fear-gleidhidh... effectively. It’s too hard."
"I didn’t know, not for sure, not until I almost lost him."
"I can keep a secret. I’m real good at secrets."
"If you have ever trusted me, any of you, trust me now."
"I’m not as good as you think I am, Laurel. I don’t trust myself to protect you anymore."
"The best, most lasting changes are those which come about gradually."
"I think it’s time I fully take up my role as Laurel’s Fear-gleidhidh and resign my station at the gate and as a sentry."
"I wanted to see you refuse to destroy the gates – knowing what it would cost you."