
Goodnight Nobody Quotes

Goodnight Nobody by Jennifer Weiner

Goodnight Nobody Quotes
"How had this happened? I couldn’t explain it."
"I was standing on a semi-stranger’s doorstep in a Connecticut suburb with uncombed hair and a tote bag full of bribe lollipops, wrangling three kids under the age of five."
"The last time Sophie looked at me that intently, she hadn’t said that I was pretty, she’d told me I had a hair growing out of my chin."
"I’d been too shocked to stammer out 'Sure' or 'Yes.' I’d wound up saying 'Shes,' even though lunch with Kitty Cavanaugh wasn’t high on my to-do list."
"The wind kicked up, sending a drift of brown leaves rattling against the hardwood floor."
"I was visiting my friend Kitty Cavanaugh’s house at Five Folly Farm Way and she’s... um... she’s dead. Somebody killed her."
"Who were they? Police officers? FBI agents? I’d never figured that out."
"I clapped my hand against my mouth and grabbed on to the countertop to keep myself from sliding to the floor."
"Really? I would ask, careful not to sound too eager."
"I ran across the kitchen and knelt in a pool of tacky, cooled blood."
"I don’t want to get too personal, but would you mind telling me how you planned to split the advance, and the royalties?"
"But it was going to be fair. You can be assured of that. See, I believe in treating women fairly, and in paying them fairly."
"Stay, little valentine, stay. Each day is Valentine’s Day."
"Don’t stop," I murmured as my eyes slipped shut.
"I brushed my teeth, folded my afghan, and looked longingly at the shower."
"With three kids and no time, I’d gotten masturbation down to a science."
"Tell me there’s no hope," I’d begged my best friend."
"I’ll be back by summer . . . I’ll be home for Christmas . . . Of course I’ll be at your graduation, honey, I wouldn’t miss that for anything!"
"Suitable, I figured, would suit me just fine."
"I’m not sure there’s a French word for it. Access, maybe."
"I could see him getting ugly. I could see him losing his temper, getting abusive."
"Women in this town—women just like me—are disappearing and dying."
"A nice little tidbit about Delphine Dolan, aka Debbie Farber."
"I can’t . . . Ben’s been coming home late . . . all the kids are sick . . ."
"I had to make a phone call, and I didn’t want to wake you guys up."
"Thank God she was still at an age where affection—or at least silence—could be bought for puffed rice and marshmallow goo."
"I’m sorry that I got so caught up in the Kitty Cavanaugh thing."
"Even politicians get to spend the day with their families!"
"Just be patient, Kate, it won’t be like this forever."
"It’s really not a good time for me to go away."
"I bet it’s really quiet this time of year. We could walk on the beach. Build fires."
"I took them to the beach, I took them swimming, we’d pick blueberries and go clamming."
"She never got bloated or blotchy or had her fingers swell."
"I don’t think there’s anything I can hear that’ll make me feel any worse."
"She’s got a tattoo of a heart on her tuchus."
"Don’t worry, Kate. This is all a big misunderstanding."
"Phil needed a successful, ambitious wife because he couldn’t cut it."
"The trick of the Internet... was mastering the trick of appearing that way."
"It’s not fair for designers to relegate an entire group of women to shoes, hand bags, and scarves."