
Eyes Like Stars Quotes

Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev

Eyes Like Stars Quotes
"If you make me spill this stuff on the stage," she said, "I’ll squeeze you until your heads pop off."
"Maybe I should have taken Black Cherry." Bertie stuck her tongue out at the Beatrice-in-the-mirror.
"The only reason I’m friends with any of you is because I outgrew the von Trapps, one annoying Austrian at a time."
"This is a theater." Bertie, annoyed by the inquisition, dropped him onto the stage.
"He’ll probably just remove the desserts from the Green Room again," Peaseblossom said.
"That’s right." Bertie used her brush to stir the dye.
"We can do lots of stuff besides pee standing up," Moth said.
"Your stars are still there. Faint, but there." (Verena to Bertie's Mother)
"I picture her with my father, along with five or six of my brothers and sisters." Bertie paused to think for a moment before she added, "And a dog."
"That’s the trouble. I’m not a child anymore." (Bertie to Mrs. Edith)
"Just because you don’t change them doesn’t mean I can’t." (Bertie to Mr. Tibbs)
"I have the chance to stay," Bertie said again, this time to convince herself.
"I don't have t’ give him a thing, save a knife through th’ ribs." - Nate
"The only thing is—" Bertie paused, wondering how to word it, then gave up trying to be delicate "—if there’s anything else you know, anything at all, about how I came here . . ." - Bertie
"That is certainly true," [the Theater Manager] conceded, "though you’ve yet to convince me why that’s a good idea." - Theater Manager
"I am a lady, but I’m certainly not yours." - Bertie
"I think when we get there, you four should stay outside." - Bertie
"I prefer to keep it on. I’m superstitious, too." - Bertie
"We’re going to have to set my alarm clock." - Bertie
"She encourages blatant disregard for the order of things." - Stage Manager
"The more time the Players spend with you, the more they transform, the more they exceed the limitations of their written parts." - Theater Manager
"Now, as to setting some measurable parameters for your success . . . What will constitute a success on your part in this challenge." - Theater Manager
"Given half a chance, I will free not only myself, but all who are imprisoned here. Know that." - Ariel
"We need to make it through the play at least once this afternoon!" - Bertie
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves."
"The truth is in the mouth of the orator, and your truth is not mine."
"I am the Witch, I am the Writer of Words and the Changer of Scenes."
"The weight of words is far heavier than water."
"Be careful about the sparks. The Book’s pages have been through enough already."
"I am the only one with the ability to repair The Book, and you must do so with haste."
"It’s not alone my inky cloak, good mother, nor customary suits of solemn black. Nor windy suspiration of forced breath. No, nor the fruitful river in the eye!"
"Together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief—"
"Do you have any idea how long the Théâtre will remaining standing if we don’t do it?"
"It’s The Complete Works of the Stage, not The Complete Works of the Bard. So it’s not just the Shakespearean plays, it’s all the plays ever written."
"Thank you." The other girl turned a lovely shade of pink, the first color Bertie had ever seen on her that didn’t come from a pot of rouge.
"I was going to find a girlfriend who didn’t need medication," he said, with a lazy smile for Ophelia.
"You’re not reading it with the correct inflections."
"I don’t want to think about how good it would feel to punch him in the nose."
"I think I shall call you Beatrice. Of all Shakespeare’s heroines, she best speaks her mind and is put upon by no one."