
Manhunting Quotes

Manhunting by Jennifer Crusie

Manhunting Quotes
"I wouldn’t. Blood’s hell to get out of silk."
"Just counting my blessings. You’re near the top."
"I don’t pine over jerks. It’s not time-efficient."
"If I’d known you were going to take this resort stuff so seriously, I would never have given you that money."
"I think it’s the clothes they wear that bother me the most."
"You’re not saying no to me, are you?" "Over and over again,"
"If I ever do hook up with anybody again—and I sincerely doubt that I will, so wipe that hopeful look off your face—it will be with someone who thinks that being with somebody who mows lawns is her idea of heaven on earth and who will do exactly what I tell her to do and love it."
"I’m used to fighting uphill battles. And I was brought up to be a winner. Daddy wouldn’t settle for anything less."
"After all, most rich men didn’t get that way by refusing to cut corners; they took every advantage they got."
"But she wasn’t as dumb as he was. She smiled back. Two could play that game."
"This is getting nasty," Mark said. "Personally, I like it. Too bad Jake isn’t here to see this."
"Told me what?" Kate widened her eyes at him. "Now, get out of my way, sonny. I’m a woman on a mission."
"This is the only way to play golf," Kate said to Mark.
"Why, Pete," Kate said brightly. "That’s cheating."
"You should have been there," Mark told him and Will later. "That woman needs protecting like Rambo needs a bodyguard."
"Goals are for fascists. Are you having doubts about your goals? Because, if so, it’s about time."
"I pushed one in the pool and gave the other one a heart attack on the golf course."
"But I’m doing something about my empty life instead of mowing lawns and hiding out on lakes."
"The only reason I might possibly be interested in you is because you helped your brother save this town. Since you obviously didn’t, there is absolutely nothing about a shaggy, lazy, arrogant, macho blowhard like you to attract me."
"That’s why you wear it all the time," Kate said. "You big fake."
"That guy doesn’t miss a thing," Nancy said. "He’s not catatonic. That guy doesn’t miss a thing."
"Well, you’re not my type, but no man in his right mind would look at you and say, ‘All this woman’s got going for her is money.’ They were interested in you, too."
"You make it sound like I’m a lush. This is only the second time I’ve been drunk in years."
"I’m tired of being alone. I want someone to talk to at night. Someone to laugh with. Someone to…"
"You let some guy see you in the nude?" Jessie shrieked.
"I think that’s why I’m having a good time," Kate said.
"Just how much money are we talking about, here?" Jake asked, not really caring.
"You’re safe." Kate sniffed. "I never attack wimps in boats."
"I don’t know what she thinks is so funny," Kate thought, and then dismissed Jessie from her mind as she opened her suitcase to find something to wear.
"I was getting ready to walk, but then I realized you’d show up and rescue me. I’m very grateful. And I’m giving up drinking forever so you won’t have to bring me home."
"No problem," he said. "Just do me a favor and try not to make a date with anybody from town tonight. The population’s pretty small as it is."
"I feel like Debra Winger in Urban Cowboy," she told Nancy as she tilted her hat back. "Except taller, fatter, older, and blonde."
"I’d rather shoot myself in the foot," Nancy said. "But each to his own, I guess."
"Mnemonics," Kate said. "It’s the way I got through college. You make up a sentence that links the two words. You know, it’s too Early for Gin."
"Don’t play for money," Ben warned her as he left. "The guy’s a shark."
"I’m mad, bad, and dangerous to know," Kate said. "Me and Lord Byron."
"I don’t understand why she doesn’t understand," Kate said. "I know why you don’t understand. You never get lonely and you don’t need anybody else—"
"I thought women fought for the right to choose to work," Jake said. "I thought it was all about choice."
"You’re not going to kill me with sex. You’re going to drown me."
"Because great sex notwithstanding, she could feel a sense of impending doom."
"I want a career and you as my husband. No substitutions."
"I’m so mad at you, I could kill you. And at the same time, I love you so much, I can’t stand it."
"I don’t think you understand big business, Ms. Svenson."
"They lied to you, kid. You can’t have it all."
"I thought about this last night while I watched you with Nancy and Will."
"The best thing that ever happened to you was me showing up and that plan going south."