
In A Holidaze Quotes

In A Holidaze by Christina Lauren

In A Holidaze Quotes
"Maybe tomorrow it will become clear what you're supposed to do."
"You know the worst thing in the world would be never hearing you say that again?"
"I’m sure it’s just the altitude messing with me."
"I’m trying to understand how this happened—this isn’t like you at all, Noodle."
"It’s all about perspective, right? Yes, the holidays may look different, but the important parts will stay the same."
"I should have known you’d make a huge deal out of it."
"It's a good thing I've always been an excellent student."
"You were cute. You kept smiling in your sleep."
"You’ve never been for me, Maisie. I never knew you were an option."
"It never occurred to me that you might be mine."
"If I had to ride with Mom this year, I think I would have bailed."
"No way do you not have even one tickle spot."
"I’m just wondering if you meant—" He motions to his face. "Or…" He tilts his head to the side, winking."
"I want to ask him about the way he held me on the sled."
"I told the twins we’d play Sardines before dinner."
"Except, I think we do. Let’s not break the rule."
"I immediately regret all those times I told my brother he’s an idiot; very clearly he is a truth seer with the emotional intelligence of Yoda."
"I meet people," he says, "but one date bleeds into another. I haven’t really dated someone, like, long term, in a long time."
"I am immediately drowning in the deep, aching tension of proximity."
"Then why go out to the Boathouse? Because there’s just something so infantilizing about sleeping on a bunk bed in the basement,"
"It’s not that I’m surprised, but… I don’t want to be stupid."
"‘It wasn’t only you. It was fast,’ I admit, ‘But it wasn’t too fast. I’d wanted to do that with you since I knew what sex was.’"
"With horror, I realize my entire face and neck are flushed. ‘Yeah, sorry, was just chowing on my dinner.’"
"He turns, heading left from the van onto Main Street, and I look behind us to where Andrew and Miles are headed in the same direction, but crossing the street to give us some space."
"I can’t have heard him right. I start to panic."
"‘I turned it off.’ The bell rings over the door as a couple of teenagers come inside."
"We might need to get this and keep it in the Boathouse. I have very fond memories of discussing Christopher Walken in there."
"Because I can spend my whole life getting to know someone and still be wrong about her."
"What happened between us was really romantic."
"I’ve loved you since I knew what love was, and I can’t undo that."
"I don’t need to stay in California, and I don’t have to try to shoehorn my life into the current template. I can move."
"I’ve wanted this for so long, and you had no idea, and then when you found out, it was like… it clicked something on in you."
"Loving you is all the proof I needed that love can last decades. Maybe even a lifetime, who knows."
"But being sent back to the plane over and over made me realize I didn’t care if I failed. I had to try."
"You knew about the sleeping bags in storage. You reassured Dad about the gin. You somehow got Benny to buy the cabin."