
Beach Town Quotes

Beach Town by Mary Kay Andrews

Beach Town Quotes
"The Gulf of Mexico, or what she could glimpse of it, was pretty enough, textbook turquoise, contrasted against sugar-white sand."
"Not what I had in mind, Bryce Levy texted back."
"She had high hopes for a place called Saint George Island."
"The light in the room changed, flaring orange."
"I’m staying at the Silver Sands Motel, but you can reach me at this number, at any time."
"Sometimes the one thing you want is the one thing that’s no good for you."
"Everybody in this damn town knows so much about my business. Or thinks they do."
"This is the biggest thing to hit the town since the last big hurricane."
"I don’t give a goddamn about your opinion of me."
"I have two words for you, Vanessa. Think about them. Eminent. Domain."
"Aside from my mattress, I think that’s the only new furniture up here."
"I mean, I dragged the boards up here from the boatyard and nailed them to cleats on the wall for shelves, yeah."
"I found that at the dump when I was hauling off some ruined wall-to-wall carpet from a rental house."
"He’s nearly deaf, but I guess the lightning woke him up."
"I found him last winter, rooting around in the trash behind the store."
"He’s low maintenance. Mostly he eats and sleeps and farts."
"Your dog also has what the vet calls situational incontinence."
"I’ll be back in two minutes. Stay right there."
"It’s okay, buddy," Greer said as she gathered up her scattered clothing.
"Never do your thinking with your pecker, son."
"You didn’t have to get up out of bed and come down here tonight."
"This lady here, Miss Hennessy? She just guaranteed your Get Outta Jail Free card."
"You’re something with the production company, right?"
"I think he’s generally happy with the way filming is going."
"I’m not notorious for it," Greer said, her cheeks burning.
"So, for now, ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ is our motto."
"I don’t have time for fellas. Even if there were any nice ones."
"I mean, they make me feel a part of things—that I could never really be a part of."
"We haven’t always looked like this. And we’re changing, you know."
"He was a good-looking stud, no doubt about it."
"I better go. God! I can’t wait till we’re done shooting these friggin’ beach scenes."
"I’m sure he’s doing what he thinks is right for this town."
"You didn’t end up so bad, even if you didn’t have a father in the picture."
"It wasn’t just the car. I was a young hothead. It hurt my pride, knowing she didn’t believe in me, in my ability to support my family."
"She never liked me. And I probably gave her good reason not to. She thought I was some redneck hillbilly. But I always admired your grandmother. In a town full of liars, phonies, and ass kissers, Dearie was the real thing."
"You were a pretty baby, but you’re beautiful now. Just like your mom."
"I’d probably better get going. It’s an hour drive back to Cypress Key, and I’m sure you have stuff you need to do. It was probably bad manners of me to just drop in on you like this."
"Their lease specifically provides that if the property is not being used for purposes stated in the lease agreement, they are in default, and the lease is nullified."
"My mother would say I was raised better than that. I’m angry at Vanessa, and I took it out on you, which is unfair."
"I’m sorry your mom is gone. And I know you don’t want to hear this. But you need to know the truth. I didn’t just walk off. I came back."
"It’s none of my business, but do Ginny and Eb know you’re seeing Kregg?"
"It’s like, suddenly the fog clears and the universe hands you the answer you’ve been seeking. And it was here all along."
"A nice boy wouldn’t sneak around behind your family’s back. A nice boy would come to me or Eb and ask permission to take you out."
"You can’t take my phone. It’s mine! Ginny gave it to me for my birthday."
"I don’t expect you to understand this, Allie, but I’m trying to save your life, not ruin it."
"You should have come to me the first time you saw Allie with him."
"We’re gonna blow that fucker up, and then, those people in that dark theater? They’re gonna be ducking and trying to hide, because they’ll absolutely believe chunks of concrete and plaster are raining down all around their seats."
"You never met Lise. If they gave Academy Awards for button pushing, she’d have a shelf full of naked golden men."
"Allie isn’t a project," he said sharply. "I’ll admit, I was terrified at the prospect of raising a kid, especially a little girl."
"But I can’t seem to make myself stop trying."
"I got nothing better to do while I wait to see if Allie makes it back home. With or without her deadbeat dad."
"I’m in kind of a pickle this morning down on the pier."
"It went. Can you meet with me in my trailer during lunch?"
"This is a writ of mandamus, which I’m prepared to file with the circuit court in this county, compelling you to issue a demolition permit without further delay."
"My point is that it’s a conflict of interest for you, as mayor, to also appoint yourself city engineer."
"That’s the only good thing about him having no money and no real prospects."
"The good news is that Allie’s back in one piece, right?"
"The whole experience was surreal. It’s a blur to me now."
"I’ve got a man not two blocks from there. He can swing by city hall and pick up the key and take care of that for you."
"I’ll come over in the morning with a new battery and Gin can ride it back to the motel."
"No, I don’t doubt that. My father told his friend he’d seen an ad for a Willys jeep for sale on Craigslist. He asked his friend if he’d take him to go see the car this morning, but his friend couldn’t do it. Now my dad’s car is missing. He just got out of the hospital and he’s losing his vision. He’s not supposed to drive. At all. Can you just tell me if a man named Clint contacted you?"
"I can’t have this conversation now, Eb. Here. Talk to Allie."
"The first day I drove into Cypress Key, I was on that county road and it terrified me. I was almost out of gas, and it’s like wilderness, all pine tree forests and swamp."
"I thought you were blowing me off last night."
"Greer? It’s me. We’re looking for you. I’m on the way to Roberta and I’m going to find you. So hang in there, okay? The police are looking too. Don’t give up. We’re going to find you."
"I’ve had a lot of time in hospitals lately and had never heard anything but bad news in one. That antiseptic smell brought it all back to me."
"The first time Lise left me alone with you, I was terrified something might happen. I pulled a rocking chair up beside your crib and stared at you the whole time, until she got home."
"I’m no good at this. It was all a long time ago. I’m sorry, Clint, but I can’t…"
"I remember looking up and thinking, ‘Aw, shit. There goes my insurance premiums.’"
"It’s super simple. Up here at the four-way stop, you just make a left onto the county highway."
"I don’t know what else it could be. I called the other fellas who work for Clint, and his neighbors, but he’s not with any of them."
"I’m sorry, but I’m not running out on you again. I want this to work. You are the dearest, most thoughtful, sexiest—"
"You work late all the time, right? So is it a big deal if I have to run my business tonight?"
"I’m afraid so. It’s gotten me in trouble over the years, for sure."
"I was thinking how I used to watch you sleep, back when you were little."
"I probably don’t have a rib that ain’t been cracked."
"Can you go out and fix it? You want to be a location manager? Here’s the secret, sweetie: you have to actually manage."
"The thing is, I don’t know that much about him. My parents divorced when I was five, and up until a couple weeks ago, I hadn’t seen or talked to him in nearly thirty years."
"I think I’m just gonna take a nap now. You go on back to Cypress Key. Don’t worry about me."
"You can’t kill an old stuntman. I’ve had lots worse wrecks than that."
"I know you’ve got a big shoot tomorrow, and I don’t need you hanging around this hospital."
"You go on back to work. I ain’t going nowhere. I just need some sleep."
"I thought I was responsible for fixing everything around me that was wrong. But some things can’t be fixed."
"You can’t walk away and leave an old man. Who would do that?"
"This is my fault. I should never have left him at his house."
"You can have your old life back, if you want it that much."