
The Guilty Husband Quotes

The Guilty Husband by Stephanie DeCarolis

The Guilty Husband Quotes
"It started, as so many things do, with a choice."
"This is what I wanted, right? Don’t contact me again. Then why does this silence feel like the quieting of birds before an impending storm?"
"She said it’s about one of our interns. Layla Bosch. She’s … she was killed last night."
"I hear she was a very ambitious and intelligent young lady that likely would have been offered a full-time position after the completion of her internship."
"My partner, Detective Lanner, and I are here to interview anyone who may have known Ms Bosch."
"I’ll be turning thirty-two next month. I don’t know how many more shots at this I’m going to get."
"You still have plenty of time. And I know how badly you want this. I do too."
"We built a yoga studio for Nicole on a cleared section of our wooded property last year."
"We were becoming pretty good friends, I guess."
"I need to be honest with you. I'm not just a CEO. I'm a person, with real emotions and struggles."
"I never cook and we both know it. Burnt toast is the most I can manage most of the time."
"I try to keep a relaxed and open feeling in our company; I think it’s essential to keep the employees happy and the creativity flowing."
"This house was also built for Nicole, with its bright and airy rooms, tranquil water features throughout the property, and, of course, her one-of-a-kind yoga studio."
"I plaster on a fake smile and check my reflection in the rearview mirror."
"I try to shake off thoughts of Layla as I turn back to my work."
"I know I’m going to learn so much here and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I’ll get an offer for full-time employment down the road."
"I was mesmerized by the frosty turquoise blue of her eyes that I couldn’t bring myself to answer right away."
"He pulled me into a tight hug. Josh and I have been dating for about a year now."
"I push open the door to my apartment and drop my bag on the tiny kitchen table."
"But we’ll keep trying. There’s always next time."
"This house is the perfect combination of the two of us, a seamless blending of nature and technology."
"Come on, she’ll meet with you in the conference room."
"Shocking. Given that she works for such a classy publication."
"All I can tell you, Detective, is that the e-mails sent to me gave me enough detailed information that I felt I could confidently print these articles."
"If you come across any information that could assist in this investigation, we would appreciate it if we were your first call."
"My wife, my wife and I, we’re having trouble getting pregnant."
"As soon as the cops stop wasting their time sniffing around you and figure out who actually killed this girl, you’ll be old news."
"I don’t know about happily, but I understand your point, Jeff."
"I can’t have this conversation with you right now."
"The things World View has been reporting are hurtful and salacious, but, as I explained to Vince, technically not bordering into libel."
"I think I need to end things with Vince. It’s all just becoming too much."
"Creator of Friend Connect Gets Too Friendly With Intern."
"You’re welcome, but you weren’t tagging along."
"I need to do something, anything, that feels normal right now."
"I thought you told me everything there was to know."
"I’m just going to shower first, if that’s okay?"
"I gulp down my growing anxiety that someone may see us together, and gently disentangle my fingers from Layla’s under the guise of pointing out a cardinal soaring between the lacy elm trees above us."
"For a few hours we could pretend we were the type of people who casually strolled Central Park all the time."
"The smell of roasted chestnuts and soft pretzels warming over coals wafted through the air as I strolled through the park next to my father, who, when I was a child, seemed impossibly tall."
"I shake off the memories, precious, intimate treasures that I don’t want to share."
"The cold December air escaped the horses’ velvety muzzles in curling puffs as silver sleigh bells tinkled on their reigns."
"The world is in a rush. As it always is in this city."
"If you’re involved with Layla you better be careful."
"I was sayin’, there’s hardly any trace of this girl. In my experience, those are the people who don’t want to be found."
"But who were you, Layla? Who were you really?"
"The bottom has officially dropped out of my life, and yet, I feel numb."
"I built KitzTech into an empire while I let my marriage wither on the vine."
"I am no longer the high-powered CEO, the ruthless businessman, that I was just a mere week ago."
"I need to find out what Layla was involved in; what trouble may have followed her to my doorstep."
"Is it paranoia if someone really is out to get you?"
"I need to think about who has the most to gain by ruining me and the life I’ve built."
"I don’t want to be alone in this bed permanently."
"It’s not like I had a choice. It was either learn on my feet or end up like my mother."
"I was getting out of that basement apartment one way or another."
"My life will be different, because I will make it so. I’m not lacking for ambition, and I’m willing to put in the work to get to where I want to be."
"I don’t get nervous. There is no need for nerves when you have a carefully laid plan."
"I’ve never been one to shy away from a challenge."
"The first kiss is always the most difficult."
"There has to be something here that we’re missing. There just has to."
"It feels as though all links of the chain are present and accounted for, but we have no way of connecting them."
"I can’t put my finger on what it is, but something she said is softly seeking my attention, like a cat gently rubbing against my leg."
"I didn’t have the faintest clue what ‘metadata’ was."
"The look in Vince’s eyes as I pushed him into the car haunts me for the rest of the silent ride back into the city."
"I exercise enough to make sure that I keep fit, but my body would probably appreciate the odd vegetable thrown into the mix of carbs and takeout."
"I was so wrapped up in proving that Vince had lied to us that I failed to see anything that didn’t fit with the narrative I created."
"I’ve earned the life we have just as much as Vince did. I gave up everything I ever wanted so that Vince could shine."
"Work can wait, because babies don’t keep. Before I know it, she’ll be too big to hold in my arms any longer."