
A Serial Killer's Daughter: My Story Of Faith, Love, And Overcoming Quotes

A Serial Killer's Daughter: My Story Of Faith, Love, And Overcoming by Kerri Rawson

A Serial Killer's Daughter: My Story Of Faith, Love, And Overcoming Quotes
"Nothing wrong with being smart. Being safe. Better than sorry."
"Make them show you a badge. Make them prove to you who they are."
"Your dad is wanted as BTK. Wanted for murders in Kansas."
"Know and respect your limitations. Rescue requests by ill and injured people are frequent. Deaths have occurred."
"We’ve got one more son. You haven’t met Dennis yet. Just wait, he will be back home soon."
"We were now a family. With a job and a baby, I got busy."
"In Dad’s defense, the campsites for the sane trails were full by the time he filed for backcountry permits to stay overnight below the rim."
"We seriously underestimated what we had been told and the warning sign we’d passed at the top hours ago."
"I’ve never been afraid of heights, yet I couldn’t shake the fear of falling."
"Deep inside me, something I knew before but had forgotten shook awake."
"Hope had risen anew; light warmed my tent, bringing me back to life."
"Feet tended to, boots firmly tightened, camp packed and placed on our backs, we set out, navigating down the stairs with clearheaded minds and more confident footing than we’d found yesterday."
"I trusted Dad—he said we could handle this trip."
"I was so happy to be right there, I yelled, 'To heck with tents. I’m sleeping out tonight!'"
"I looked up at the stars overhead and made a deal with him: if he could get us out of this mess my dad had gotten us into, I would come back to the faith I’d lost."
"I wiped my wet face on my sleeping bag and closed my eyes."
"Hope—it was beginning to spring forth."
"I'm not sure they think it—they're just making sure we're okay. In these situations, often—"
"Mom, there is no way you would’ve stayed in that house with him, raised us kids with him. If we’d had the slightest inkling, we would’ve gone screaming out the front door and run straight to the police department."
"The man we knew. The man we didn’t. The man we thought we knew. The man who never really existed."
"She knew the truth now—heard it directly. She was facing it, and it would eventually set her free."
"Love never fails. Love. I loved the dad I knew. Maybe love would be enough. Maybe he would plead guilty for us."
"I was sure I was going crazy, though I continued to tell no one, not even Darian, who was trying to keep things together for both of us."
"The worst I could do, could handle, would be to follow Dad’s court appearances online, checking news sites later that same day."
"What to tell my father and not tell him had become a matter of contention, not just with her but with his brothers too."
"I’m not ready to talk on the phone yet, but we can talk someday and someday we will come visit you. But right now, it is just too hard."
"Survivor’s tip: it’s rather unlikely, two months after your father has been thrown in jail, that much of anything is 'fine,' let alone that you are 'fine.'"
"God is my rock and my salvation, whom shall I fear?"
"I asked about the possibility of my dad pursuing an insanity plea."
"Your dad will likely be placed in solitary—for his protection and for the safety of the other prisoners and guards."
"He’s not just a pathological liar; he outright betrayed all of you."
"There was color and life in her face, but she was leaning on crutches, wearing a cumbersome orthopedic boot on her left foot."
"The LORD is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear?"
"Dad should be here. He would have loved this."
"I missed my father. That was one of the first times I’d admitted that."
"I didn’t miss a serial killer, didn’t love one—I missed my dad. I loved my dad."
"For better or for worse. In sickness and in health. Love never fails."
"Trauma had changed me physically, emotionally, spiritually."
"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."