
First Family Quotes

First Family by David Baldacci

First Family Quotes
"BIRTHDAY BALLOONS and submachine guns. Elegant forks digging into creamy goodies while toughened fingers coiled around curved metal trigger guards."
"For the record, she bowled a ninety-seven without gutter bumpers while wearing patriotic red, white, and blue bowling shoes."
"Security wasn’t uppermost in Jane’s mind as she watched in delight while Willa blew out the dozen candles on her two-tier cake."
"Her face was in decent shape, she thought, as she snatched a look in a mirror."
"The chief chaperone and planner of the event was Jane Cox. It was a role she was accustomed to because Jane Cox was married to Dan Cox, also known as "Wolfman," which made her the First Lady of the United States."
"It was just who he was; a man of the earth, he liked to say."
"The ambulances had come and taken the living members of the Dutton family to the hospital."
""Keep the lines of communication open. Know who her friends are. Gently insert yourself into everything that’s going on around her but pick your battles cautiously."
"In truth, Camp David was better protected than 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, though you wouldn’t find many who would admit that on the record."
"He leaned closer. "Looks like they used a black Sharpie."
"Alabama, he thought, was just about the prettiest place on earth, and Atlee was the finest part of it."
"The fire building up fine, he took the poker, dipped it into the flames, and got it good and hot."
"I might be some sorry-ass redneck from nowhere, but I’m gonna get this done."
"I’m sorry, Kurt. I’m truly sorry, son. One thing I promise you, you won’t die in vain."
"We’ll do everything we can. And we’re pretty good at what we do."
"The world will give you a chance, but that’s all. The rest comes from you."
"You rest easy, honey, Daddy’ll be back soon. I love you, baby."
"If he was down there so often. Things I’ve heard."
"Everybody’s got somewhere to go. Just takes some folks longer to figure out where to."
"It’s just that this is the only way it’ll work."
"Farming was a risky proposition under even the best of circumstances. Folks who toiled in the dirt could do everything right and a drought or an early freeze could come and wipe them out."
"Mother Nature never apologized for her divine and sometimes disastrous intervention."
"He paid his bills, he held his head up, and he was fairly certain a man shouldn’t expect more than that out of life unless he was corrupt, overly ambitious, or both."
"Don’t model yourself after me, son. Aim higher."
"While other farmers had to send out for costly help when equipment broke down, Quarry just fixed it himself, mostly lying on his back, a big wrench in his muscled grip."
"It’s not a lock. We have proprietary technology that I think is the best out there. But the world of government contracting is not done on a level playing field."
"The guts of any machine, no matter how complicated, easily revealed themselves to his mind in startling simplicity."
"Leaders of the free world could not be spontaneous. And unfortunately neither could their spouses."
"In the morning a White House maid would find the First Lady’s pillows slightly wet from the tears shed."
"Every day that went by without the little girl being found meant it was far more likely they would discover her body instead of her."
"You don’t know me. You might have found out things about me, but you don’t know me. Or my family."
"Does this have to do with your daughter? The one who can’t read anymore?"
"You're a good man, Mr. Sam. I thank you for all you done for me and Gabriel."
"The White House is a nice place, but I really don’t want to live here."
"You’d think they would have held off, with everything that’s happened."
"And it’s my job to make decisions about my family."
"A truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."
"You can’t kick my ass even if I was in a damn wheelchair sucking on oatmeal through a straw."
"You make me afraid that this old world will never be good again."
"It’s easy to make up a past, particularly these days."
"People like that, that’s how they make their living."
"Stuff Sally had never been exposed to. He was handsome and wealthy and moved in certain circles."
"Donna Rothwell is not the sort of person you ever want to cross."
"I notice things other people don’t. Just the cop’s eye again."
"Because you were getting closer to the truth."
"I’ve definitely become a creature of the night."
"You go to college, Gabriel. You get on with your life and you forget you ever knew me."
"I’ll always love you with all my heart. I can’t wait to hold you again, baby girl."
"I didn’t do anything wrong. Neither did my ma."
"You got a Koasati Indian around here who goes by the name Eugene?"
"Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice. You read it?"
"What I want is not to be on this plane going to where we’re going."
"’Cause it’s the right thing to do. Mr. Sam, he’d say the same thing if he were here."
"I’m the president. I just wanted to go for an unscheduled trip. It’s not that big of a deal."
"I know this is all screwed up. I don’t want to be doing this either."
"He’s always been kind of a show-off," he said.
"But how do you think he figured it all out? This would’ve taken years."
"He’s not going to hurt anybody. You said that yourself."
"We go over that house with a fine-toothed comb."
"I have no idea, and I don’t need to know. All I know is the president is coming and nothing is going to harm him on my watch."
"But if it means we can go in that building over there and get this done, yes!"
"I’m sorry, Tippi. I never intended for this to happen."
"It’s just about over," said Quarry. "At least I’m hoping it is."
"But my way, old man. Just this one time. This one last time. My way."
"No problem," Sean said without much enthusiasm while Michelle said nothing."
"After the meal was done they sat in the living room with their coffees the butler had brought in."
"You have no proof that Pam was not her mother."
"I don’t care what lies you might have seen on those walls in that house, you have no right—"
"That’s all in the past, Willa. You don’t have to think about it anymore, sweetie. It’s over."
"You can’t know what it’s like to be here, in this house. Always having to be on. To never once letting your guard down."
"I just killed a little girl. I murdered a little girl. She’s dead because of me."
"Robie was not normal. His heartbeat would actually slow, not rise."
"The clipped voice came back in his ear. 'Vee-one.'"
"In Will Robie’s world, somebody always died."