
A Heart So Fierce And Broken Quotes

A Heart So Fierce And Broken by Brigid Kemmerer

A Heart So Fierce And Broken Quotes
"Now I’m Princess Harper of Disi, and Emberfall hasn’t advanced to the point of having electricity."
"It’s a movement I make without thought anymore, the way I would have flipped a light switch back home."
"A soft knock raps at my door, and I hurry across the floor to open it."
"Being trapped in Emberfall, a country as beautiful as it is wild and dangerous, hasn’t changed my brother’s temperament."
"A lot can happen in a month. I know that better than anyone."
"We were once separated after Grey snatched me off the streets of DC, and it was horrible not knowing what might have become of Jake."
"I asked him not to say anything to you. I wanted to tell you myself."
"He’s running a country. He’s not out drinking with the guys."
"He’s not your warden either. You don’t have to spend your nights waiting up for him."
"People are beginning to talk about how forces from Disi have never arrived. That your alliance is a sham."
"The hour is late. I thought you would be alone."
"I could feel your worry on the other side of the castle."
"I cannot bear the thought of losing my friend, too."
"You shouldn’t have to know. That’s my point."
"The latch at my door clicks, and I turn in surprise to find Rhen in the doorway."
"This is the last place anyone will look for me, so I welcome it."
"I don’t know how long Tycho was following me before I caught him, but it was early enough that I was still terrified of being discovered."
"I remember the kindness in her eyes and her endless tenacity."
"Thoughts of Harper will go nowhere useful, so I shove them away."
"The king is dead. The crown prince will take his place."
"These thoughts feel selfish suddenly. Cowardly."
"We are at an impasse. For I do not trust you."
"You will not even entertain a meeting with me?"
"I have seen the destruction wrought by your people, girl."
"I would rather ask for help than order it with a sword in hand."
"I should have known better. I did know better."
"It’s easier to believe someone is guilty than to consider that an innocent man could be eating oysters one minute and bleeding on the floorboards the next."
"No one wants to be made a fool. Let them think they can win for a while."
"I think of the girl he ignored in the woods. I wonder if this makes him a lesser guard, the way it makes me feel like a lesser sister."
"I believe you trust your mother. Unfortunately, I do not."
"Lilith nearly killed Harper. She spent an eternity torturing us."
"I swear to you, You have nothing to fear from this man and his magic."
"A king should place his country above the woman he loves."
"I will not apologize for trying to save the lives of thousands of people."
"Fear makes people act in ways we’d never expect."
"Even if we are found, his guards will not harm you. He loves her. She loves him."
"Do not fault yourself for choices you believed were right in the moment. It is not princely."
"You trusted me once. What have I done to lose it?"
"Getting free of the curse—then learning someone else might be able to hurt him again, someone he once trusted …"
"Post-traumatic stress disorder. It happens when you’ve been exposed to something terrifying."
"I knew you were a magesmith the instant I tasted your blood."
"It’s like your brain can’t turn off the fear."
"I wonder what Nolla Verin said to make him laugh."
"I am alone on this veranda because I have nothing."
"You will make no further apologies. You will make no further mistakes."
"I should have bargained for her to be queen."
"I am speaking of every moment and every step of our journey here."
"I am speaking of that moment when Iisak tore my arm open and you took my hand."
"Your brand of strength would garner greater loyalty. That is what makes you dangerous."
"I have only been here a day, but I have not heard anyone speak ill of your queen."
"Do you seek to undermine me? Or is this simple envy for your sister?"
"We have the heir, and the Royal Houses have pledged their funds."
"I would rather be back in that cave on the border of Emberfall, my breath mixing with Lia Mara’s."
"Choices are never easy. There are good and bad options, but the most dangerous is to not make any choice at all."
"Our aeliix fled Iishellasa through Syhl Shallow and was never heard from again."
"You made a bargain with Karis Luran. You cannot free me. Too much is at stake."
"You have more pressing matters, Your Highness."
"Grey was willing to give up his birthright to such an extent that he allowed himself to be strung up and beaten rather than acknowledge it."
"You saved yourself," he says. His fingers tighten around mine. "You saved us both."