
Am I Normal Yet? Quotes

Am I Normal Yet? by Holly Bourne

Am I Normal Yet? Quotes
"I'm being serious now... Evie... I'm actually worried about myself. I think I'm a... a... sex addict."
"I never thought a guy would fancy me... I guess. What with everything up here..."
"I guess they are," Oli said. "So, anyway, shall we do this assignment then?"
"You know... it's embarrassing. They won't get it."
"I hate him, and yet I still feel this burning desire to discuss and analyse every molecule of what's happened."
"Oh my God, I was so nervous about that presentation, I literally had a panic attack."
"It's mad in here," I yelled at him over the music, in an attempt to make polite conversation.
"Being a spinster means you’re not afraid to look at society and say loudly, ‘I don’t agree with this, this is wrong.’"
"Being a spinster means looking after your girlfriends and supporting them through whatever they need."
"I formally announce us…SPINSTERS through and through."
"Well I’ve told you that’s why and I don’t care that you don’t believe me."
"There’s no need for that, just ask next time."
"I think you did all those shots to escape the bad thoughts you were having about your friends."
"It’s a tax on women. It’s not like we want to buy them."
"I don’t judge my worth on having a boyfriend and what he does."
"But three days a month, nearly every woman in the world is on and we’re all hiding it. It’s weird. Something we all do, something that’s so natural, something that we’d freak out about if it stopped happening…is still seen as shameful."
"I don’t think you should listen too much to your brat of a brother,"
"It’s because she looks so bloody gorgeous, don’t you, Evie?"
"I don’t think I’ve ever thought that much about my period before,"
"I’m not a lesbian," she said, sadly. "If you thought what Craig was saying was true. There’s nothing wrong with being gay of course, but I’m not one."
"I don’t know. How are you supposed to know. Why can’t God come down from the sky with a giant foam finger, point at some bloke, and say, "That one, Evie, you’re supposed to fall in love with that one. He’s not a douche, I checked for you.’"
"If I just run my finger around the whole rim of Jane’s mirror, tonight will go well."
"I don’t know what I would do without you, Evie."
"It’s easy to have morals before you’ve got a boy you really fancy making you compromise them without you even realizing."
"We’re going to get through this, Evie, it’s just a blip."
"It’s because he thinks I’m crazy. And he doesn’t want to go out with a crazy idiot."
"He cares more about Rose than he does about you."
"You’re a girl, he’s a guy onstage. Everything that happens afterwards is predictable."
"Discussing what a freak you are. Discussing how to ditch you without hurting your feelings. Laughing. Jeering."
"He likes me. He has a funny way of showing it."
"I’m always careful. Too careful. That’s the problem."
"You guys have been speaking about me behind my back?"
"You’re going to have to start all over again."
"If all my craziness was a sore throat, then Guy was a Strepsil, melting the crap away in my head."
"I’m terrified. I’m not sure I’m doing this for the right reasons. Do you care for me?"
"What’s wrong with wanting to go to Pizza Express before you let someone sleep with you?"
"You could have HIV now… All right, herpes then? That’s contagious as hell and transmitted through touch."
"Because people do. People are broken, so they bully others."
"I’m going to sound like a fortune cookie, but you’ve got to love you before worrying about anyone else loving you."