
Strange Candy Quotes

Strange Candy by Laurell K. Hamilton

Strange Candy Quotes
"DEATH is a very serious matter, Mrs. Fiske. People who go through it are never the same."
"We all have things left unsaid when death comes suddenly. But it isn’t always best to raise the dead and say it."
"I’ve found that the dead are very forgiving of the living, when they die of natural causes."
"He will be himself at first. As the days progress, he will lose memory. He will begin to decay, first mentally, then physically."
"I’m feeling much better than I did this afternoon."
"I feel like we need a depth chamber between this and the preceding story."
"All we need now is a corrupt Cupid, with a sweet tooth."
"The ocean rolled gray and silver, white foam riding the waves, as it whisper-roared, eating away at the shore."
"Music and ocean hissed and roared until Adria could not be sure who was singing to her."
"The black road must take. Demons help you. Fight in darkness you will."
"This is the seventh prophet, Celandine. We must trust the information and act upon it."
"I fear the black healers of Lolth. I fear being a female trapped behind their dark border."
"I will die before I let them take you. You have my word."
"Your fear makes you foolish, Celandine. But do not fear. Your father paid me well to guard you on this exile’s quest."
"Your father bought my sword, my magic, and my loyalty. I will lay down my life to protect you, but I will not be insulted."
"I’m afraid, too, but I want this over with. I want to go back to Meltaan."
"I will not let your fear keep me out here forever. Your father didn’t pay me that much."
"And may the next wizard you torment blow your head off."
"The only way to understand prophecy is to do what it says. Now stop sniveling."
"I am a superhero, not a servant. I don’t need your money."
"You cannot be healed until the fight is over, Lord Madawc. That is the rule."
"It is against all civilized laws to harm a bard. How are we to hear of the great deeds of heroes if bards are not safe in battle?"
"Then why?" He stood and walked the few steps to stand before his son—the son who could still look him in the eye and lie, even now.
"I am not about to start letting little boys bully me, magic powers or not."
"As you grow older the skin tears more easily, thin and fine as parchment."
"Dreaming. Images swimming, colored clouds floating across the mind."
"Distance is no protection against psychic ability."
"The Clarkson Prison had the highest rate of successful rehabilitation for violent criminals in the country, perhaps in the world."
"Only death would free them from her, and some of them weren’t sure about that."
"Everyone was evil, down deep when you scrape the skin away."
"Inside their heads everyone hunted, everyone killed, everyone was a monster."
"You couldn’t kill The Monster. It was always there just behind your eyes."
"The beginning of the Apocalypse. No one knew."
"I remember being on the other side of the glass."
"She allowed Jasmine to glimpse what was there. Or what wasn’t."
"The dead did not retain the last look of horror."
"The place stank of stale beer and the sweat of fear."
"Magic pulsed and swelled with the ripening grass, the swift flight of birds, the tiny hidden creatures."
"Perhaps we will meet again, some winter’s night."
"I am Wizardsbane, and this will not be the first, or even the tenth, wizard I have slain."
"I have absorbed enough power to do a few spells, if I am careful."
"I feel like I should burst into flame, swollen with power."
"You seek the earth-witch who killed your only son. Is that not true?"
"Peace at last, mother, peace at last."
"I’d known good ones and bad ones, just like good and bad people, but one thing was true…Vampires had to feed off humans to survive; no matter what you see in the movies, animal blood will not do the job. We are their food, no getting around that."
"She’s seventeen, Ms. Mackenzie. I think she probably believes in her leg more than her soul."
"Some of the civil rights groups were complaining that the vampire trials were too quick to be fair."
"I sighed. I so did not want to get involved in this, but I believed Ms. Mackenzie would do exactly what she said she would do."
"Being a vampire was too large a part of who Jean-Claude was for me to separate them out. It did make a difference, but I laid one last icing-coated kiss on his forehead, and went home."