
Blameless Quotes

Blameless by Gail Carriger

Blameless Quotes
"Much to her consternation, the Loontwill’s new butler, Swilkins, came through with a tray of kippers. He gave her a disapproving glare that said much on his opinion of a young lady caught eavesdropping on her own family."
"Nor is she the type to be gastronomically challenged."
"Herbert, don’t encourage her to be pert. Most unattractive quality in a married lady, pertness."
"After all this family has done for you, Alexia!"
"I have died and gone to the land of bad novels."
"She is the only female preternatural to enter our sphere since the Order’s inception."
"So you believe me? You believe that this infant-inconvenience is Conall’s?"
"He has never acted reasonably where you are concerned."
"There’s no such thing as fate—there’s just werewolves, and there’s no such thing as coincidence—there’s just vampires. Everything else is open to interpretation."
"He reminds me of limp custard filling, all cream and no crust."
"I am still his Alpha; he had better obey me."
"I am so blasted angry with him. I’ve come over all numb. Makes me feel slow and stupid."
"I still loathe Conall and want to prove him wrong. So, no, I don’t think it has."
"This is exhausting, talking about one’s feelings. I am not sure I approve."
"I am perfectly well aware of how it happened. What it is, is a chance to force Conall to recant his accusations. Which is more useful than interesting."
"Monsieur Trouvé’s grin vanished into the depths of his impressive beard, and he turned to face the supernatural threat."
"The great advantage of being thought silly, is that people forget and begin to think one might also be foolish. I may, Professor Lyall, be a trifle enthusiastic in my manner and dress, but I am no fool."
"It is time for you to face up to your responsibilities, my lord. Three weeks is enough time to wallow in your own colossal mistake."
"Because there is no way she would have canoodled with another man, not my Alexia."
"She is never going to forgive me for this, is she?"
"The earl withstood the grooming manfully, knowing it for what it was: Lyall’s unspoken sympathy."
"You are forgetting that, given your treatment of her, she may not want to come home."
"I do not believe that is quite how forgiveness works, my lord."
"You, my lord, cannot simply dash off to Italy. You have responsibilities here."
"I believe you were once fond of Miss Wibbley, my lord."
"It is as good a reason as any not to like a person."
"Imagine that, no matter where you go, Ivy will always find you?"
"The last thing I need is the additional responsibility of a pack."
"Unfortunately, we found his faith"—he paused meaningfully—"inconsistent."
"I am not bringing it to BUR; I am bringing it to the Woolsey Pack."
"I am finding I do not at all like this preceptor fellow."
"The Templars may do what they like; I love this country."
"The horror of it hit him broadside, and he stumbled back against the stone of the embankment."
"Queen Victoria is not going to be happy about this."
"Together, the three drones hefted their dead master and made their way slowly up the stairs."
"And there’s another one for the howlers to sing about."
"You know that dying issue I just mentioned? Well, it did take, in its way."
"The first time was always the worst, not because it got any better, but because it was so unfamiliar an experience."
"We have managed to keep the mummy business mum."
"We must get a message to the queen on this relic business."
"It is not a bad life we lead here, is it, My Soulless One?"
"We of the brotherhood are God’s best weapon against the supernatural threat."
"I am beginning to get the impression that I am more rare than I had thought."
"My goodness, Professor Lyall! What do you have there?"
"Her solution fit the standards of all monarchs everywhere. She made up her mind and then made it someone else’s problem."
"I prefer to be in possession of all the necessary facts first."
"It will take some time for your mind to catch up to your metamorphosis."
"The daylight folk, back then, the ones who feared her, they called her a skin-thief."
"I am rather grateful for the ladybugs, by the way; very nice of you to send them on."
"I mean to say, really, I am near to developing a neurosis—is there anyone around who doesn’t want to study or kill me?"
"You know my character. I could never betray you like that."