
Back Of Beyond Quotes

Back Of Beyond by C.J. Box

Back Of Beyond Quotes
"Nobody can talk a drunk out of a drink except a fellow drunk."
"If so, good for you. More power to you, brother."
"Everybody is guilty of something, every single one of 'em."
"I don’t know how you people do it—too much reality."
"I’ve never been okay. But now I’ve got a purpose."
"He might be in as much trouble as you are or more."
"It’s never the fire that kills ’em. It’s the smoke."
"You people confess everything to each other. They would know."
"I’m betraying their trust. This is really a shitty thing to do to them."
"You could have killed the coroner or gotten killed yourself."
"We’ll see bison, wolves, grizzlies, mountain sheep, mule deer, antelope, black bear, and moose."
"This keeps up, I can get that new truck. Life is good."
"I can’t risk this job. I’ve got child support payments and no one is hiring."
"I’m not good and I’m incapable of being good, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t recognize and revere goodness."
"I’m really desperate to get on the road and he won’t let me go until I’ve got a headlight that works."
"No way. I’ll be back on the road in a few minutes," Cody grunted.
"The evidence so far doesn’t match up to ours. But the circumstances of the death ring true," Larry said.
"I know," Cody said. "Keep me posted, okay? My cell should work all day until I get to Yellowstone."
"You are an unthinking prick sometimes," Larry said.
"I hope you'll get that front end fixed and get a new light as soon as you can," the trooper said.
"This is the thing about this place," he said. "That’s a fumarole, or steam vent. The water underneath would scald the hell out of you or your horse. Might even kill you if you got bucked off in it."
"Damn right. Hey—did you get in touch with Jed McCarthy’s office yet?"
"The world wide web? I want no part of it," Margaret Cooper said.
"Being head of ranch security is learning to ignore that kind of emotion. You have to be cold and hard," Bull Mitchell read.
"That’s why I sold it because I couldn’t take dealing with the Feds anymore," Bull said.
"Sorry," he said, stepping toward her. "But show me the list."
"Guess there’s good in everybody, Gracie," Justin said.
"Sorry," Cody said. "I was kind of hoping we could be friends. But I’ve never gotten along real well with lawyers."
"So what's the connection?" Cody asked Larry as he placed the files on the counter next to the computer.
"Let me walk you through it," Larry said. "Got a pen?"
"First," Larry said, "we’ve got nothing new on our end. The arson tech is still sifting through the burned-out cabin..."
"And it’s just me right now. I don’t have anyone else on the case to confirm what I’m saying or poke holes in it."
Cody said, "Has anything else been found by the crime-scene techs? Hair, fiber, anything like that?"
"I agree. It accomplishes a couple of things. The fire not only destroyed any latent evidence, the fire itself points us away from homicide."
"So we’ve got a guy traveling the country and setting up rendezvous with recovering alcoholics, then bushwhacking them in their homes. I see a pattern but not a motive."
"It’s a long way to the nearest convenience store."
"This just seems wrong," Cody said, lifting green branches out of the way of the idling F-250.
"Keep in mind this is Yellowstone. Anything can happen here and plans always go wrong. It’s just the nature of the place."
"I know one thing," Cody said twenty minutes later, "If I can’t find some cigarettes pretty soon I’m likely to rip the heart out of the guy we’re chasing with my bare hands and feed it to him."
"So who are we chasing, anyway?" "Hell if I know."
"If I can’t come up with a scenario that makes any sense. Not without knowing if the victims even knew each other or were ever in the same place."
"I wouldn’t be surprised to see Bodean throw his hat in the ring for sheriff," Larry said. "He seems to suddenly be doing damage control."
"You wouldn't even know they were here last night except if you knew the exact location."
"The rocks are still warm and the ash is moist from when they put the fire out."
"The rhythmic clop-clop-clop of the horses soothed her."
"Getting paid to ride horses is just about the coolest thing in the world, you know."
"They never do anything because they're mean, only because they're scared or spooked or trying to get away."
"I'm just trying to figure out how to answer."
"I trust horses more than people, even though they can be knuckleheads."
"There won't be nothin' left. There's only one thing we can do."
"The only thing you seem to know about horses is how to lose them."
"You don’t understand love. I hope someday you will."
"I think he’s kind of embarrassing, to be honest."
"He’s got to show me something to get me to think otherwise, and I haven’t seen it."