
The King Of Attolia Quotes

The King Of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner

The King Of Attolia Quotes
"It was unnatural to look back at events and be unable to believe that what you remembered could actually have happened."
"He looked at Eugenides, still sitting on the stool. The king hadn’t been distracted by the noise Costis was making. He must have heard the footsteps in the hall."
"My pardon is not a matter of civil pleasantry, Costis. My pardon is a very real thing these days. A royal pardon would spare your life."
"Truth, which had mattered very little to begin with, soon mattered not at all."
"He said the only thing worse than being wrong in a family argument was being right."
"I can’t imagine that removing seal rings is in your professional training. Unless they give the Guard special training in looting corpses?"
"It's hard to justify attacking someone so incapable of defending himself, however contemptible he may be."
"If we are valuable servants of the queen, she will preserve us, as she has so far."
"You can guard me from the hall. The door is the only one into the apartment. You can attend me, from the hall."
"I can’t allow you to be beaten for casting yourself between me and the rather rapacious clutches of your sister."
"I would march into the mouth of hell for her."
"My position is indeterminate while my future is under consideration."
"I don’t need to execute him, Sejanus. All I have to do is banish him for being an embarrassment to the throne."
"Your father disinherited your sister and all children of hers when she married against his wishes. He did it formally. That’s why he couldn’t disinherit Dite."
"I don’t think you would go so far, Your Majesty. It is no easy thing for the barons to accept an outsider as king."
"Of course, if the subject in question is already executed, it is merely a matter of paying compensation."
"The house of Erondites," he promised, "will not survive."
"I poisoned the lethium," Sejanus answered, as if he were reciting the lines in a play.
"I hate you," Sejanus answered, as if he were reciting the lines in a play.
"I love your ears, and I love"—she paused as she kissed him gently on the lips—"every single one of your ridiculous lies."
"You needn’t worry. I don’t feel like dancing just at the moment." – The king.
"I am going to the palace prison to indulge myself. I think I deserve it." – The king.
"If I asked you nicely to go away, would you?" – The king to Phresine.
"Most people bring me more precious gifts, Basileus," – Moon Goddess to Klimun.
"You cannot keep me in bed!" – The king to Aulus.
"I had heard you were scared white by your jailer yesterday." – Aulus to the king.
"Mostly because he can complain about them." – Ornon about the king.
"Because no one ever talks about the Thief. Haven’t you noticed?"
"The Thief of Eddis has a certain freedom to do whatever he wants."
"Even without an oath, you cannot believe that Eugenides would ever betray you or your interests?"
"No matter how securely I hold the reins of power, so long as I had no husband, my barons had to fight."
"If we truly trust no one, we cannot survive."
"No man can choose to serve only himself when he has something to offer to his state."
"Sometimes, if you want to change a man’s mind, you change the mind of the man next to him first."