
Riven Knight Quotes

Riven Knight by Devney Perry

Riven Knight Quotes
"Given the way you chose to leave the firm, I’m unable to give you a reference."
"I’d trusted him. I’d valued his opinion above all others at the firm. I’d given him all that I’d had to give, and apparently, it wasn’t enough."
"Now Clifton Forge wasn’t only a black spot on the past, it was also my home for the foreseeable future."
"I longed to be at home in Denver, driving on familiar streets to familiar places."
"For months. Years. Decades. For as long as it takes."
"My mom had gone to high school here. My grandparents, two people I’d never known, had been killed in a car accident and were buried here."
"Mom had been murdered, stabbed seven times, left to bleed out in a motel room alone."
"Why? I wanted to scream it to the heavens until she answered."
"I was so angry at her. I was furious she hadn’t trusted me with the truth."
"The last woman I’d kissed was the woman I’d killed."
"No matter what, he always found me. No matter how many times I wiped them, the feel of hers remained."
"Genevieve Daylee was a good person who’d been thrown into a fucking awful situation."
"We’d survive this. We’d coexist and bide our time."
"I’d do everything in my power to keep her safe until we woke from this nightmare."
"I hated the secrets, but I hated the truth more."
"We expect people to treat us like a married couple, so we’d better learn to act like it."
"You don’t get to lecture me on the ‘silent treatment’!"
"I’m mad because I’m mad. It’s all I feel most days and I can’t even grieve my mother because the anger trumps everything else."
"I’m ignoring you because you didn’t tell that sweet, lovely woman about me. I’m mad that I had to lie to that sweet, lovely woman."
"I don’t want to remember how great she was because in here," I touched my heart, "she isn’t great."
"If she was so great, then I wouldn’t be painting this apartment, hoping it will feel just a little more like the home I’ve been missing since some bastard butchered her at the Evergreen Motel."
"I'm mad because I got shoved into the back of a trunk. I'm mad because someone took me."
"I'm mad that I've gained five pounds because I bake cookies from my mom’s special recipe every other day since those stupid cookies make me feel like my mom was great."
"I don’t want you to know about me, because I don’t think you’ll like me much when you do. I want you to like me."
"People were more easily forgotten than anyone wanted to think, certainly about themselves."
"That’s the color pen he had. When I got out, I decided to keep going with the black."
"We were united. We were a team. We were in this together, until the end."
"She wasn’t bold about it like Bryce, but when it mattered, she had nerves of steel."
"I’d never had a desire for a tattoo, but after spending so much time with Isaiah, I’d begun to appreciate their artwork."
"Day by day, I was falling in love with the lie."
"The truth was between the two of us and a dead man."
"I was desperate for any reaction other than that fucking blank stare."
"I was his wife, after all. I’d always thought some other woman would come along and be the one to heal him."
"You wouldn’t have had to go through it in the first place if it weren’t for me."
"I hated that Isaiah was so lost in punishing himself he wouldn’t confide in me."
"Maybe I should have added Isaiah’s name to my research notebook after all."
"I was waking up earlier so I had time to get off in the shower and staunch some of the ache."
"I can die knowing I did what needed to be done."
"You take care of her and consider the debt paid."
"It's not like you're never going to see us again."
"Xander was the only good thing to come from these past months."
"A wave of sadness hit, followed by a wave of understanding."
"This was the reason Draven had made his decision."
"I didn’t ask to be here. I didn’t ask for my mother to be murdered."
"Isn’t that a sad fucking fate? All of my family is dead because of some motorcycle club I didn’t know existed a year ago."
"I have no family. None. Except for you and Nick."
"I don’t deserve you, V, but I can’t give you up."
"You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen."
"I’m glad you gave her the okay for the piece."
"I just wish we could have found the guy who did this to her."
"I loved Shannon, but I’m not in love with her memory."