
Third Degree Quotes

Third Degree by Greg Iles

Third Degree Quotes
"You deserve more than I can give you, and that’s why we’re not together. But you also deserve more than Warren can give you."
"I think of you in everything I do. You’re as much a part of my being as I am."
"Please don’t choose that life. Don’t sell yourself short."
"No lesser thing could keep me from coming to you."
"The only way you could stay with him is by becoming a lifelong martyr to your children."
"You’re warm, vibrant, creative, sensual, all the things you’ve shown me this past year."
"I’ll never get myself out of you, and I’ll never get you out of me. I’m sorrier than you’ll ever know."
"I’ve known women who did that. Zoloft for the daytime, sedatives at night, a vibrator in the drawer, and too many glasses of wine at parties. They all regret it later."
"You don’t own me. I’m your wife, not your property."
"I didn’t think you’d like me looking at that kind of thing by myself."
"Every word that comes out of your mouth is a lie."
"I’ve treated you like a queen for twelve years. And this is how you repay me."
"Why in God’s name would you think I’m involved with Kyle Auster?"
"You’re like a five-year-old caught in a lie. Totally predictable."
"Stay calm, be courteous and professional at all times—his lawyer’s voice in his ear."
"Destroying medical records that are under subpoena constitutes obstruction of justice. In your case, those would be felony charges."
"Digital files are no less a legal record than hard copies. If anyone attempts to erase any digital files, we will know it, and we will recover them."
"You’re going to be indicted under a number of federal statutes, many of which have been newly created to deal with predatory physicians like you."
"You are facing the possibility of one hundred and seventy-five years in prison, and sixty-five million dollars in penalties."
"Trust is the glue that protects a family from the chaos outside."
"I’m sorry, I’m an idiot. She’s history. Just tell me what to do."
"You need to grow a freaking backbone for five minutes."
"He hates the government. And in his eyes, he’s got more to lose than any of us."
"Every choice has consequences. Yours included."
"Life is every man for himself. But sometimes, we all have to pull together."
"You can bet your life they’ll come busting in here with guns blazing."
"This will be a lot less traumatic for her if she sleeps through it."
"Things are getting out of hand. I don’t want you around here for the last act."
"I’m scared, but I wouldn’t waste my time. I already know more about human weakness than most of those cranks ever will."
"We’re running a computer program, and we’re waiting for a certain result."
"You’re the one who put our children at risk."
"You don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t know what I’ve done, or why."
"I killed a lot of people in Iraq, Major. More than the twenty-seven they credited me with."
"Don’t you worry, son. We’re going to make sure everybody gets out of there safe and sound."
"Danny, could I offer a little input on the hostage situation?"
"That guy at the bank, the one whose hand I shot?"
"I knew why I was killing those people, you know? Most of 'em, anyhow. But this stuff here... I don't know."
"If I remember right, he was going to donate a couple of thermal imaging cameras to the fire department, to let firemen see through smoke."
"Danny’s question as to whether Warren intended harm was harder to answer."
"I’m not in command here, Carl. If it were up to me, the FBI would be running this scene, and you and me would be waiting for word somewhere dry."
"There’s exactly two professional soldiers here tonight, and they’re both under this tent."
"If we’re within two minutes of an assault, and you have a clean shot… take it."
"I don’t want to sit at the right hand of a God who can torture children, or even one who sits by and allows them to be tortured."
"Every man has a breaking point. Eventually you have to push back."
"Every man can be pushed too far, you know? Every man has a breaking point."
"You think I’m going to leave my kids to be raised by her? Raising children is a sacred charge."
"Other people’s problems look simple, but when it’s your own problem, it’s complicated."
"I’ve watched some of the best people I ever met get crippled or taken before they reached thirty, forty, whatever. Babies, too."
"All my life I’ve followed the rules. I’ve toed the line, given to the less fortunate, followed the Commandments… and it hasn’t mattered one bit."
"You’ve got to put a cold eye on them, as my old commanding officer used to say. Then you can see what’s really there. What’s really happened."
"If you have a dream when you’re young, you’d better act on it then, or the chance will be gone."
"Sometimes the best thing is to do nothing, but this isn’t one of those times."
"A man lives to pass on his genes. You know that."
"Every assessment he had ever made of his and Laurel’s relationship had been missing a critical factor."
"It’s like there’s another directional vector besides north, south, east, and west. And I’m stuck on it."
"I wouldn’t take kindly to that, Major. Not at all."
"If someone didn’t take a bird up there, those marines would die. Forty-two husbands, fathers, and sons. Fate had placed their lives in Danny’s hands."
"Life ain’t a bowl of fucking cherries. It’s living that takes courage."
"You’ve got all the answers, don’t you? Or so my wife seems to think."
"You’re supposed to be a hero! Look at him, Laurel... there’s your fucking hero!"
"I’m just trying to get by, same as the next man. All I’m saying is, it’s living that takes courage."
"I think love means giving up something, Maybe the thing that means the most to you."
"You make an easy target because you’re sitting—"
"You coward! You’re supposed to be a hero! Look at him, Laurel... there’s your fucking hero!"