
The Various Haunts Of Men Quotes

The Various Haunts Of Men by Susan Hill

The Various Haunts Of Men Quotes
"Angela Randall was not afraid of the dark, but driving home at this dreich hour and at the end of a difficult shift, she found the ectoplasmic fog unnerving."
"Sometimes, she thought it was the bravest thing she would ever be called upon to do."
"At fifteen, she had been left entirely, devastatingly alone, but through the following forty years, she had come to make the best of it."
"Angela Randall felt comfortable in Lafferton, settled, at home. Safe."
"Until meeting him, her life had begun to seem slightly hollow."
"The fog still hung about, wreathing among the trees and bushes on the slopes, swirling, thickening, then shifting and clearing again."
"You can do something for him, can’t you, Doctor?"
"There is no hurry at all. Sit with him for as long as you need to. Talk to him. Say goodbye in your own way. That’s the important thing now. The rest can wait."
"‘Come on, Harry love.’ When Cat came back with the oxygen, Iris Chater was stroking her husband’s hollow cheek and talking softly to him."
"‘I want to see you,’ she wailed aloud, and the sudden cold certainty that she would not, and the disappointment of it, were as bitter and sharp as at the beginning."
"The old man walks a Yorkshire terrier and a woman two Dobermanns, around the Wern Stones and briskly back down to the path."
"The room was warm. The lamplight caught a row of brass monkeys on the shelf, and made them glow."
"I want to go down the other route … alternative, complementary, whatever you call it. The gentle way. I’m thinking of going to America to the Gerson Clinic."
"‘It’s the truth.’ The young woman touched her arm. ‘And …’ she smiled suddenly, so that Carol Ashton saw that she was not merely pretty, she was striking – and beautiful."
"‘While Shepherds Watched’ came faintly through Freya’s car window."
"She’s the sort of person you only dream of, frankly – hard-working, caring, reliable, almost never been off sick or for any other reason, and being single without any dependants she’s been quite happy to do nights all the time. That’s rare."
"I am sorry, I don’t know what I’d have done without you these past few weeks. And all the time Harry was ill. I wish there was something I could do for you, Pauline."
"The uniformed officer will have questioned you about the cufflinks Miss Randall purchased in early December."
"I understand that is not the sort of information you would normally give out but this might be important."
"I’ve taken it seriously from the beginning, Mrs Ashton."
"So long as we don’t have a rush of customers … an hour perhaps?"
"It just shows, though, doesn’t it … how little you know about people you see every day?"
"The hour between the first lightening of the morning sky and sunrise is your most auspicious time."
"I’ve been in choirs since I was at school … well, most of the time."
"You'd be surprised if you knew how many people come to me who should have gone straight to their GP."
"People want to believe. They want to believe that an acupuncturist can cure congenital blindness and Down’s syndrome and a club foot and even reverse the ageing process."
"I think we need to look hard at what we want to achieve, focus on what seems the most urgent and leave the rest aside."
"I’m not sure how he does it but his reputation goes before him. He’s cured people of big things … tumours, ulcers, MS …"
"When you’re young you pinched yourself to see if this was really happening, if you were you and awake and alive."
"What you’ve told us so far is really helpful, Mr Davison. But this is very important. Even the smallest thing someone remembers may help us."
"It’s not just that they’re prissy, it’s that they remind me of all the smoothie gynaecologists I’ve met."
"I want to find out, that’s all. I’m puzzled. I owe it to Angela. She hasn’t got anyone else to fight for her."
"I’ve no real reason for saying that, except … as time has gone on, I can’t see what innocent explanation there can be."
"This is a disappearance quite out of character. Debbie Parker has never gone away from home without warning before."
"I’ve never pretended to be a healer, never claimed to cure any illnesses, though I was sure a lot of people who came to see me were relieved of some stress-related symptoms."
"Or just winding up Dad. He’ll hate it, of course."
"Do many people come here? Oh yes, the doctor is fully booked for some weeks ahead."
"Mistrust and suspicion are dangerous companions. Keep an open mind and a generous heart."
"Spring had retreated and winter was delivering a late blast."
"He had spent so much time alone, searching his own soul."
"Her face was still flushed and distressed; when he reached for his cup his hand trembled."
"Forget you're a copper. Think of yourself as a young, attractive and therefore vulnerable female."
"This is now. This is the beginning. This is all."
"In a puff of smoke," Simon said. "They go into holes in the ground for warmth."
"You missed your vocation, Sarge ... there's 39. Should’ve been an estate agent."
"We don’t live in each other’s pockets you know, we have our own – what is it they say now, our own space – always have respected that."
"I think we’ll go and see this neighbour – and then I hope we can get the DCI to take it seriously, upgrade the whole inquiry again, before someone else goes missing."
"Policing would be intolerable if that were not the case and Freya had always been grateful for it, in London, and now here."
"Middle England, traditional values. Don’t knock it, don’t ever knock it, she thought. This is what we have come from, at bottom, this is what we are, and this is absolutely what we, Nathan and I, are here to cherish and to protect."
"It was not his fault. He was methodical and cautious, he took his time and he planned everything."
"I have only ever trusted myself and I have never been let down. Until now."
"Miracle worker or conman? The jury’s still out."
"I sped away from the business park, not switching on my headlights until I reached the main road."
"Isn't this the most miraculous weather? Doesn't it make your heart lift?"
"How many more patients I would treat, how many more crimes you would solve, if it were not for paperwork."
"She sat back in the curved chair and was suddenly overcome with an intense desire for Simon, to be sitting here with him, laughing, talking, enjoying, taking time before going on somewhere for dinner."
"I loathe women, but I loathed that silly bitch more than most."
"I had come to know more about it than anyone in the world because I have had the luxury of time and been able to set up my own private place for research."
"The machinery hummed softly, soothingly, reassuring him."
"An hour later, he stood in the centre of the main workroom. His friends."
"He went to each of them and touched them gently."
"He smiled slightly, imagining everything that would be going on by now in the world beyond."
"He spent a few moments with each of them, touching their faces, putting his hand over theirs, speaking to them quietly."
"People would understand then. If there was anything to forgive they would forgive him."
"He liked to have the streets to himself, to see darkened windows, to see a mouse scuttle, a cat stare from a wall with hostile eyes."
"He felt quite calm. He did not think, did not look back, did not let his mind hover over events either in triumph or regret."
"The cathedral was full. Police from Freya’s old teams in the Met sat with those from Lafferton."
"She had looked up at the roof with its gilded angels and ribs when she herself had been singing."
"Death was a mess, a breaking apart, an ugliness, but a funeral service like this threw a shaft of light and gave comfort, gave strength."
"Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire. Speak through the earthquake, wind and fire."
"Simon walked quickly out into the close towards his own building. He would not go back to the station. Let them think what they would."