
One Good Earl Deserves A Lover Quotes

One Good Earl Deserves A Lover by Sarah MacLean

One Good Earl Deserves A Lover Quotes
"Avenues for investigation have become severely limited, as has time."
"In the name of proper enquiry, I have made adjustments to my research."
"It’s not as though a chaperone would have been rational."
"You ought to seriously consider the possibility."
"I have a very clear plan, and I require your assistance."
"The female sex has had access to bipedal locomotion since . . . well . . . Eve."
"I am told you are the kind of gentleman who has a keen understanding of the . . . mechanics . . . of the act in question."
"You are under the mistaken impression that I am interested in doing your bidding, my lady."
"It’s because I run a casino that I don’t believe in it."
"It seems I’ve a keener understanding of horticulture than humans."
"I should count my blessings that anyone is willing to marry me."
"I find it difficult to believe either that ladies are drawn to you or that, in such a case, you would act the part of a gentleman."
"You think I don’t see what you’re doing? How you’re playing me?"
"I should have known you would have information on them." He scowled. "Chase is a bastard. One day, I’m going to give him the pounding he deserves."
"Since she’s old enough to be worth something."
"Ever the doting father," Cross said, wryly. "You think to buy yourself a title?"
"It’s how the game is played these days, isn’t it? The aristocracy isn’t what it once was."
"You haven’t a choice. I want them. You marry my daughter. I forgive your brother-in-law’s debts."
"Which do you think would be worse for the children, the scandal I can bring to their name? The quiet punishment I can call upon their father some night when he least expects it?"
"Isn’t it time you keep someone in your family safe?"
"I hold all the cards," Knight repeated, and this time, there was no smugness in the tone. Only truth.
"You should know better than to reach into the darkness, Pippa," he said softly, the sound of her name familiar on his lips. "You never know what you might find."
"One need not read romantic novels as frequently as my sister does to understand what happened."
"I question the scale of the illustrations in several of those texts!" Pippa whispered back.
"You’ve a library full of anatomy texts!" Penny whispered.
"They adore you." "They adore what I can do for them."
"You would do well to leave us," Cross said to his partner, not taking his gaze from Pippa.
"You forget I am one of five sisters. In my world, fifth brightest is last."
"Temptation turns you. It makes you into something you never dreamed, it presses you to give up everything you ever loved, it calls you to sell your soul for one, fleeting moment."
"I suppose I should know better, gaming with a scoundrel."
"I suppose I shall start at the beginning. It appears that I’m utterly lacking in knowledge of the basics."
"The tightness in her chest became an ache, and Pippa’s hand stilled."
"Oh, dear. It was not physiological. It was emotional."
"You, sir, are a liar and a cheat. And I will not be ordered about like a prize hound."
"I am quite able to stand. I may be lame, but I am not crippled."
"What would possess you to accept this invitation? Anything could happen to you here. Tonight."
"Did you enjoy making a fool of me? Embarrassing me?"
"I told you from the beginning that I was a scoundrel. That was my truth."
"Your half was never meant to know. Your half never needed to know."
"You already have an earl. What good are two?"
"You came to me because you don’t want it. The ordinary. The mundane."
"Another lie. You can’t even touch me without pulling away as though you’ve been burned."
"I shall do it because I have agreed to, and I do not care for dishonesty."
"You think I could not work out the workings of deck stacking myself?"
"You idiot man. I’m already ruined. You ruined me for all others that morning in your office."
"I will never regret this. I will never regret you."
"I’m not marrying Castleton; I’m going to marry you."
"I need you to be my Orpheus. I need you to lead me out of Hell."
"You are so beautiful, so soft and slick and utterly perfect."
"You’ve done nothing of the sort. You’ve proven to me that black and white are not the only two options."
"It seems quite impossible that I might not love you."