
True Evil Quotes

True Evil by Greg Iles

True Evil Quotes
"This year had been plagued by injury and death, and there was more to come—Alex could feel it."
"The problem was, she hadn’t realized she’d cracked until she caught part of a shotgun blast in her right shoulder and face."
"For a hostage negotiator, Alex had committed the ultimate sin, and she’d come close to paying the ultimate price."
"Grace was the family martyr, a genuine candidate for sainthood."
"Money isn’t really worth anything. All the money in the world won’t make that blood clot go away."
"Grace shook her head violently. 'Wissen! Havuh wissen!'"
"People have been killed for less, a lot less."
"You have good ears. I grew up in Jackson. But I’m based in Charlotte, North Carolina, now."
"No one thinks of everything. And be glad for it. That’s the way we catch most criminals. Stupid mistakes. Even the best of us make them."
"If you are a target—that is, if you’ve become one in the last week—your wife and this attorney have no idea that you’re aware of their activities."
"Every adult went through personality changes, and the first year of a marriage was always a time of adjustment."
"People saw only what they wanted to see, and only when they were ready to see it."
"Reality might be painfully obvious to others, but in love, everything was veiled. By hope, by fear, and most of all by trust."
"There’s law, and there’s justice. And no Morse she was related to had ever had any trouble recognizing the difference."
"We’re walking in footsteps everywhere we go."
"I need your help, Doctor. I need your medical knowledge, but most of all I need you, because you’re the next victim."
"Every district attorney in this country has a list of people who come in on a weekly basis to plead with them to open a murder case on their loved one."
"Doctor, I would do anything to get you to help me. Do you understand? I’d go over there in the bushes and pull my shorts down for you, if that’s what it would take."
"If I’m crazy, then tell me one thing. Why didn’t you call the FBI to report me yesterday?"
"You have to drop the nice-guy routine, Chris. You’re in mortal fucking peril."
"Give me a chance to show you. Then make up your own mind."
"No matter who I ask about him, I hear three things: he’s a gifted surgeon, he’s an arrogant asshole who treats nurses like shit, and he’s a pussy hound."
"Snakes gave him the fucking willies, if he was honest about it."
"Either Braid suffered from severe neuropathy, or he was blind drunk."
"He could take no chance that Braid had left behind a confession in any form."
"I thought the prospect of sex would get you home early, win or lose."
"I saw it, all right. Next year maybe we can get you and C.J. on the same team."
"The only counseling Luvy would try was her pastor, and one visit was more than I could stomach."
"But how much of a mercy would it be for this man—and for these kids—if one of the parties to this goddamn court battle was to just disappear?"
"You can consider half of those wells gone as of this moment."
"She can do pretty much anything she sets her mind to."
"That boy is a Morse, not a Fennell. And he’s going to be raised by somebody who gives a damn."
"I’m not in the hospital loop, you know that."
"If there ain’t no food in his dish, he goes on the prowl. Don’t he?"
"I’ve seen human beings do things God couldn’t create a bad enough hell for."
"No matter what you do to me, I’m going to get to the bottom of her death."
"You’ve still got friends in this building. That’s all I’m saying. Don’t give that prick Dodson the rope to hang you with."
"I don’t know. But I’d like you to do me one favor, if you would."
"I’m reaching into my pocket for my keys when my threat radar redlined."
"Fuck," she muttered, digging out her cell phone.
"That's pretty common with the onset of age, I find. The opposite of teenagers who want to sleep twenty hours out of twenty-four."
"From what Alex told me, I’d say it’s reasonable to expect trouble."
"By the time she was fourteen, she made me feel stupid. Not just me, either."
"I think a lot more people have been murdered in divorce situations than anybody knows or even suspects—especially before the forensics were what they are now."
"You take the Jackson I grew up in as a boy and compare it to now, it’s like the end of the world."
"The opposite of teenagers who want to sleep twenty hours out of twenty-four."
"It started in the eighties with the crack. Now the inmates are running the asylum."
"You’ve got a nice place out here. But I hear you’re moving."
"My wife’s idea. Keeping up with the Joneses, I guess."
"Existence was terribly fragile, a flickering flame that could be extinguished at any moment without cause or justice."
"She hoped that if the day ever came that she found a man who loved her as she dreamed of being loved, she would be content to love him in return."
"The people Alex knew seemed bent on destroying whatever happiness they might have found, as though unable to tolerate the hell of living with what they’d once thought they wanted."
"I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I can relate to having people stare at your face."
"You have no idea how desperate I was to escape."
"She’s a noble widow, not a selfish divorcée. And noble widow is a role Thora already knows how to play."
"You think I believe that? Once you’ve made the decision to commit murder, how does the method matter?"
"Existence is fleeting, like a shadow that vanishes at dusk."
"In the end, what haunts us are the chances we never took."
"I hope you find the courage to let go of the past and embrace the possibility of a new dawn."
"I hope so. I was just speaking to Dr. Tarver over at the medical center. He asked me something I didn’t know the answer to, but now I’ve found out for him. I wanted to tell him in person."
"I can also sabotage the virus after infection, during the early stages of replication. Before oncogenesis occurs."
"It’s just a working name. The actual viral pedigree must remain my proprietary secret, for now."
"I can’t see it right now. I want to … but I can’t."
"You’ve got to do it before you pass out. You’ve got to save us, baby."
"You could say that. Rusk’s dead, and a woman with him. I’m guessing she’s his wife."
"I think you mean an untimely death, don’t you?"
"But together, he and I have murdered nineteen people."
"He couldn’t live another minute with the idea that his nephew was under the power of your brother-in-law."