
Endless Night Quotes

Endless Night by Agatha Christie

Endless Night Quotes
"In my end is my beginning… That’s a quotation I’ve often heard people say. It sounds all right—but what does it really mean?"
"Is there ever any particular spot where one can put one’s finger and say: "It all began that day, at such a time and such a place, with such an incident?""
"Fate up to its dirty work? Or dealing out its golden handshake of good fortune? You can look at it either way."
"My longing for a house, a fine and beautiful house, such a house as I could never hope to have, flowered into life then."
"All pure fantasy, all nonsense, but it started that tide of longing in me. Longing for something I was never likely to have."
"It’s true, I do look a bit like a gipsy. Perhaps that’s what fascinated me about the name of Gipsy’s Acre."
"There’s never been no luck there, not in the house nor yet in the land."
"What sort of a name is that? It’s many a year now since folks lived in it and called it The Towers."
"Don’t laugh, young man. It comes to me as maybe one of these days you’ll laugh on the wrong side of your mouth."
"I don’t know much about writing things down—not, I mean, in the way a proper writer would do."
"I want to go everywhere, see everything, do everything. I want to find something."
"There’s a curse on this land, a curse put on it long ago, many years ago."
"I suppose really I was looking for a girl, the right sort of girl."
"I didn’t know at that time anything about love. All I knew about was sex."
"You don’t know what it’s really going to be when it happens. Love I mean."
"I’ve only a short time to go now. One house—two houses more. Not more than that."
"He sighed then. He said: 'I can’t wait... No, I can’t afford to wait.'"
"You smart-Alecks in town don’t know about them. But there’s places as is cursed all right."
"I suppose one of the oddest things in life, I think, is the things one remembers. One chooses to remember, I suppose."
"I thought I’d come and attend this one. It would be interesting to see who bought The Towers."
"But it’s a very bad thing, that the human race had unfortunately invented for itself."
"I thought it was a beautiful place, a beautiful setting for a beautiful house…."
"She stared at me through a tangled fringe of black hair and she said: 'Don’t have nought to do with it, young man.'"
"They’ll be a foot that slips on the ladder, and there’ll be the lorry that crashes with a load."
"I never seriously thought in my life of buying a pair of shoes in Bond Street."
"I felt that in some way he and I understood each other."
"I don’t know much about gipsies. Absolutely nothing."
"Sometimes it’s a very heady thought. Only—only, you see, there’s not much temptation because there’s nothing particularly exotic or lawless that I want to do."
"Either we fly over there or they fly over here."
"I suppose it's the price I have to pay for marrying you. I'll bear it."
"Don't you think, Mike, that that makes it all much more exciting for you? I think so."
"It's not just the money," I said. "I'd like to—I'd like to get somewhere and do things."
"Does anybody really think like that nowadays?"
"I wish you wouldn't be so obsessed with class distinctions, Mike!"
"I don’t know the right clothes to wear," I said bitterly.
"Some are born to Sweet Delight, Some are born to Endless Night."
"Every Morn and every Night Some are born to Sweet Delight."
"It's a nasty thing to happen, but it was only silliness, crude horseplay."
"Mind you, it's not a thing you want to do too often. Not unless it might be really worth your while."
"I’ve learnt to enjoy—to enjoy killing people."
"Everybody thought I’d tried to rescue Pete. I don’t think she ever thought so. I think she knew."
"I’m putting this down now because this is what I was thinking that evening when I arrived back from America."
"I enjoyed living with her, you know. Yes, that sounds very queer now I think back to it."
"That’s what Mum knew about me. She knew I was born to endless night."
"We were very happy together. Yes, very happy. I wish I’d known then that we were happy…I had my chance. Perhaps everyone has a chance. I—turned my back on it."