
Feared Quotes

Feared by Lisa Scottoline

Feared Quotes
"Pregnancy had boosted her emotions past normal Italian-American levels, and for the past seven months, she’d been a walking bowl of estrogen."
"You? Ha!" Lou Jacobs laughed, giving her a hug.
"Congratulations, Mary!" John Foxman gave her a stiff hug, and Mary hugged him back warmly.
"To Mary DiNunzio." Bennie’s expression softened. "I speak for everyone at Rosato & DiNunzio when I say that we wish you, Anthony, and your new baby all the happiness in the world—but we can’t wait until you come back to work."
"It’s an agency that enforces state law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender and for other reasons. The federal analogue is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act."
"It’s like guerilla warfare against conventional warfare."
"I cannot believe this!" Bennie shouted, throwing up her hands. Mary and Judy exchanged glances as they sat at the table.
"Speak for yourself," Bennie said, without a smile.
"Excuse me," he said, "there was nobody at the reception desk. I have hand-deliveries for Bennie Rosato, Mary DiNunzio, and Judy Carrier."
"You know, that I'm the one staying home." - Anthony
"Don't let the Tonys get to you. They're from a different place and time, you know that." - Mary
"I'm only staying home because it makes the most sense for all of us." - Anthony
"As soon as my book is finished, I'm hoping I can find a publisher." - Anthony
"Then maybe we can get a nanny, or let our mothers do it, or whatever." - Anthony
"I don't even know if I'll be good at it." - Anthony
"We're better than that. We're smarter than that." - Mary
"But your parents get to me. I feel bad in front of them, ashamed." - Anthony
"Aw, honey, don't be that way. They love you, and that's all that matters." - Mary
"Then you'll write another one, or another job offer will come up, and either way, we'll have each other and a beautiful little baby girl." - Mary
"At this point, I don't care if it's a girl or boy." - Mary
"Please, I've had enough gender politics for one day, with this litigation." - Mary
"Can we not talk about it? It was a debacle. The whole thing is a debacle." - Mary
"On the plus side, you looked pretty. So did Bennie. Less Amazonian than usual." - Anthony
"This lawsuit is too important. He named us as individual defendants, did you know that?" - Mary
"How would we pay? How much? What damages are they asking?" - Anthony
"It's three plaintiffs who say they weren't hired because they're men. Let's assume that we lose." - Mary
"Isn't that from the Magic 8-Ball?" - Machiavelli
"No, that would be, 'reply hazy, try again.'" - Mary
"But your press conference was a fiasco. I got you dead-to-rights. Your firm's been getting away with murder for too long. It's against the law to hire only women. We boys deserve a break today." - Machiavelli
"Even pregnant, she couldn't imagine working on the weekend without a food reward." - Narration
"I think I can I think I can, but truth to tell, Mary had felt that way even before her pregnancy." - Narration
"They prefer Anne anyway. They won't mind." - John
"John, this is a mistake. The Complaint was just filed and everybody's upset. It's going to settle down. Why don't you give it a week or two? See how you feel then." - Judy
"It's a Band-Aid, and there's no reason to pull it off slowly." - John
"Family was something you weren’t born with, but chose."
"Let’s see if we just grow on our own, see what hatches."
"You and me are so yappy, we don’t always get it when people aren’t."
"I think he was too, even though he was less vocal about it, but we were in love, we said it."
"I could see it happening. We would’ve been so happy together, we were really happy."
"You probably didn’t get a chance to read them."
"We have the facts, we have the law, and as you’ll see, we have hard evidence of bad intent by the defendants."
"We’re going against the big boys, and when you find out what they did wrong, you’ll be as stoked as I am about this case."
"It’s a massive Complaint, 134 pages, and their Answer is almost as long."
"We don’t kill people who sue us, Detective Krakoff. We beat them in court."
"We don’t learn from each other in death, we learn from each other in life, and we love each other in the living years."
"Death is loss, and what it leaves us is each other, sharing the loss, missing John, and holding each other as we go forward without him."
"John lived a life that we could all be proud of, every single day."
"He held himself to the highest standard in his professional and in his personal life. He stood up for what he believed, no matter what the cost."
"John Foxman was one of the finest lawyers I have ever met and one of the finest young men."
"We have always stood at the forefront of equality at our firm."
"It's not a gift when somebody gives it expecting something in return."
"It's not a crime to have less money than somebody else."
"It's awful to think that somehow John’s murder was connected to our case."
"We’re talking about millions and millions of dollars in one company, if not the two companies."
"What really matters the most is what this all means, and I think I have convinced everybody by now, that it was Machiavelli who killed John himself, or who had John killed."
"We can’t let Machiavelli get away with murdering him with impunity."
"He said I know you do some computer stuff, can you go try to get an internship with this company, London Technologies? Say you’ll work free."
"I’m not afraid of her! Anyway what am I waiting for? Joey didn’t want me to, but so what? I’m not getting any younger! I shoulda gone over there a long time ago! Mary needs the information. If Mary needs the information, we’re going to get her the information!"
"Mary would do anything for us, and this is our chance to do something for her!"
"They marched toward the front door, a senior-citizens mob on estrogen replacement, missing everything but the flaming torches and clubs."
"Let’s go!" Mary charged ahead, taking Paul by the arm.
"Mary, what can he do to make this right? Can he make this right?"
"The one he talked about on TV?" Flavia frowned deeply, trying to recover her composure. "I told him he shouldn’t of said that about you on TV. I told him that wasn’t nice. I knew it wasn’t true. You could tell he was lying when he said it. He doesn’t even believe that. I could tell."
"Yes, but they don’t think Nicky is behind it. They think somebody else is."
"Thank you, sweet Jesus." Flavia looked heavenward, clasping her hands together in prayer.
"Nobody knows a child better than its mother. Let me tell you something. You may not always get along with your child. You might fight with your child. You might not speak to your child for a year, maybe two. But a mother always knows her child."
"I’m sorry, I’m sorry." Roger shouted down at Mary, prone on the far side of the bed. "But I just got so sick of it, all of a sudden! All of you lawyers, you think you’re so damn smart! But you make mistake after mistake! I get so sick of cleaning up after your mistakes! I’ve had a career of it, a lifetime of it! Can you imagine what it’s like to be a legal malpractice lawyer? The clients are the worst! They’re all lawyers!"
"I know, and we don’t have to worry about it now—"
"—and we’ll figure this out, even though I know it won’t be easy—"