
Dark Days Quotes

Dark Days by Derek Landy

Dark Days Quotes
"Murder and long walks had been two of his favourite things when he was younger. He’d walk a long way to kill someone, he’d often said, and he’d kill for a long walk."
"They think they know what’s coming? They think they know what to expect? They have no idea."
"I’m going to make them all pay. Their world is going to crumble for what they did to me."
"I’m staying alive long enough to do what has to be done."
"I’ve given up hope of ever being rescued, so this entire scenario is kind of redundant."
"It’s not as if you can tell me something only we would know because if I know it, my hallucination would know it."
"This isn’t a game, Valkyrie. You’re part of something that is turning out to be very dangerous."
"Nothing good could come from pointless remorse."
"You'll know they've spotted us when they screech."
"Sometimes you've got to admit it when you're wrong."
"Do what you need to do to find them and stop them."
"Teleportation is clearly the best power to have."
"Because all the evidence pointed his way. It was only later than I began to suspect that the evidence was rather too easy to come by."
"He didn’t like Esryn Vanguard and he didn’t agree with him. I saw him as a weakening influence that we couldn’t afford to tolerate."
"I have done terrible things in my life, Valkyrie. Things that haunt me. Some of those things I had to do. Some… I didn’t. But I did them anyway."
"The dream of peace, you understand, is a dream that comforts everyone except the soldier on the battlefield."
"I’m a monster, just like you say I am. I lock myself up at night because if I don’t, someone like you will come and hunt me down."
"Creating new vampires is an art form. The Infected have to be contained, trained, taught how to behave."
"Every stories are good stories, even the bad ones."
"We were fighting a war. Harsh decisions had to be made every day. This was one of them."
"You should know that’s very unlikely."
"You’ll kill me, you’ll kill these people, but you won’t kill yourself. I had the Professor make sure of that. The bomb’s designed to spare your life and your life alone."
"Rage clouds the mind. Vengeance can make you blind. Which is why you have to wait, and choose your moment carefully. Timing, as they say, is everything."
"You slap those cuffs on me and I’ll be dead before I get to a cell and you know it."
"I don’t think I cared about who would use it, or where, or on whom. These things were immaterial. When I was told about the detonation in Naples, I can’t recall being affected by it one way or the other."
"I'm not going to kill these people. I'm not going to kill myself. I'm only going to kill you."
"Everyone gets tortured these days. You’re not part of the team if you haven’t been tortured – that’s what I always say."
"I think there is only one thing it could mean, and it is something that has only occurred to me as I’ve been speaking."
"You’ve said that. Guild, you don’t like these people, these mortals. From what I’ve heard, you never did. It’s time to break the rules, Grand Mage."
"With 80,000 deaths, every Sanctuary around the world will be shown just how vulnerable they are."
"He was a man who was about to commit one of the single most monstrous acts the world had ever seen. Shouldn’t he suffer for it?"
"You, of all people, must know that I would do anything to protect my family."
"The lives of your wife and child in exchange for the lives of 80,000 strangers? That seems a tad unfair, doesn’t it?"
"I’m sorry," he said and tried to let go of the Desolation Engine, but his fingers wouldn’t loosen.
"You got a lifetime of dark days ahead of you, if I’m not mistaken. I’d enjoy the quiet moments while you can."
"Sometimes my bedside manner leaves something to be desired. I don’t mean to lecture you all the time."
"Every vision we’ve been told about so far," she said, "they all end the same way. I die."
"For now Valkyrie remembered where she had seen that name before. In the Book of Names, in that final column. Next to Stephanie Edgley, next to Valkyrie Cain. Her true name. The only name that ever really mattered. Darquesse."