
Gentle Rogue Quotes

Gentle Rogue by Johanna Lindsey

Gentle Rogue Quotes
"As long as she couldn’t see the little beasts, she could pretend she wasn’t sharing accommodations with them."
"Talk about your lousy luck, and it hadn’t even started there."
"She shouldn’t have been surprised, however. She had known about the congestion problem on the Thames..."
"It simply wasn’t worth the aggravation and loss of profits, not when other trade routes were just as lucrative."
"Sometimes she had to wonder if the common sense allotted her family hadn’t run out by the time she was born."
"But then, in the whole of her twenty-two years, she had never slept anywhere but in her own bed, in her own room, in her home..."
"Well, a few more years than that had gone by, thanks to British arrogance on the high seas."
"Of course, Thomas could be forgiven for thinking that the problem wouldn’t be his..."
"He’s still a child, and a terrible prankster."
"The appalling congestion problem was one of the reasons her family’s merchant line had kept London off its trade routes even before the war."
"I doubt they have, but under no circumstances will I."
"Don't think, dear boy. Use common sense instead."
"I should have realized you were still too nervous to stomach food."
"I haven't the faintest notion what you seem to be accusing me of."
"I'm sorry, lad. I should have realized you were still too nervous to stomach food."
"Passion, dear girl. Pure…unadulterated…passion."
"I’m merely going to prove that I’m not the least bit enraged with you."
"Why, I’d consider locking you up, of course."
"I hope you haven’t disobeyed a direct order, George."
"Damnation, George, don’t argue with a man who’s in pain."
"So we’re seeing the true George at last, are we, complete with a formidable temper?"
"I’ll make you eat the bloody shoe this time."
"Well, you didn’t think I’d make a man of you in just a few weeks."
"You should have let me bash you with the board."
"I’m in no mood for your humor just now, Drew."
"It’s a long story, Clinton. Can’t it wait until later?"
"Don’t even think of going that route again, James Malory."
"I have to hand it to you, Captain Malory. Your ‘rather good’ was putting it mildly."
"In fact, the only battles I’ve ever lost have been at sea."
"He’s that damned pirate, Hawke, who had me limping into port."
"To accuse him of being a blasted pirate is so ludicrous, it—"
"That’s gentleman pirate, love, if you don’t mind."
"He’s the one you’ve been crying over, isn’t he, Georgie?"
"I thought I’d give you an opportunity to correct that oversight."
"And what the devil are you doing on your knees?"
"I’m sure I’m not the first woman to do so, and I won’t be the last."
"You can all just stop it. So I made a mistake."
"If you’ve seen her, where’d you leave the faithless little jade?"
"I should have known. After all, you had developed a taste for barmaids."
"Good God, the vixen who leaves bruises on shins!"
"He was, after all, the most notorious rake in London."
"I’ll thank you to leave Anthony out of this."
"I don’t suppose he knew they were your brothers?"
"Sort of like pulling the trigger yourself, ain’t it, old boy?"
"She’s got her own carriage and monstrously huge drivers."
"You crawled into my heart and wouldn’t get out."