
Foreign Influence Quotes

Foreign Influence by Brad Thor

Foreign Influence Quotes
"You reap what you sow. He probably deserved it."
"We know where it happened and approximately what time it happened, but that's all."
"It was all my wife and mother-in-law's idea."
"I’m not going to beat around the bush with you, Scot."
"Some day, I’m going to read the Qur’an. But if I’ve learned anything in the Public Vehicles Division it’s that it doesn’t contain anything about the proper operation of a motor vehicle."
"This wasn’t Iraq, after all. This was Chicago."
"You know how things work. A, there’s got to be a slot and B, you have to have impressed someone enough that they’ll go to bat for you."
"The mechanic’s information had been given under duress, they probably could get a warrant with it and come back, but someone across the alley had already seen them enter the apartment."
"He’d seen far too much suffering and far too many bad guys escape answering for their crimes to completely ignore the fact that sometimes the ends do justify the means."
"There is great evil in the world. I know that."
"You’re doing exactly what I expected you’d do when I selected you."
"I hope the woman I sent was a good lay, because she was obviously a terrible assassin."
"Everyone broke eventually, the key lay in discovering exactly how to break them."
"The more one knew about one’s subject, the better equipped one was to carry out a successful interrogation."
"On the scale of harsh interrogation methods, one of the stronger tactics that can be employed is the exploitation of a prisoner’s phobias."
"Whether there was some trigger like dog hair on the floor of the van, or if it was the stress of believing she was about to be set ablaze, Sterk was soon consumed by another intense asthma attack."
"Right now, the only person in this entire world you should fear is me."
"Political correctness is going to be the death of Western civilization."
"These people have resources beyond your imagination."
"Don’t go for the gun, she begged him under her breath, but he did. It was a bad decision and the last one the young man would ever make."
"Judging by the odor, whoever was down here wasn’t preparing cookies for the mosque bake sale."
"Casey fired two suppressed rounds from beneath her burqa, both striking him in the face. It was a very difficult shot, especially having to aim down a set of stairs and firing from behind clothing."
"If you lie to me, I will gut you like a pig and let you watch your insides spill out."
"The voice of the imam above was even louder here and figured there must be speakers in this basement room, just as there had been in the women’s prayer hall."
"We have Saud," she said before Rafiq could speak. "He will remain safe, only as long as you cooperate."
"The cell leader isn’t going to make it. And if the second one dies, that’s two trials the British taxpayers have been spared."
"Expecting the controller to be holed up in some blighted Muslim neighborhood sitting on a carpet drinking tea while he coordinated bombings was sloppy thinking."
"They’re going to kill us, aren’t they?" "If they were going to kill us, they’d have done it already."
"The only thing in the world shorter than a Muslim terrorist’s dick is his to-do list."
"Straying from what is comfortable is often stressful."
"You must have faith. There is great wisdom in what Sheik Aleem has suggested."
"Allah has already provided you with everything you need."
"They are exceptional instruments if wielded properly."
"You concentrate on succeeding in Chicago. The rest of the plan will take care of itself."
"You must remember to always ask yourself, how can we do better."
"In the end, Casey’s had been the voice of reason that had convinced Harvath to back down."
"Harvath unwound the bandage from the man’s left foot."
"You have been focused on the success the brothers had in Bali and the 7/7 bombings in London."
"I’m going to make you pay for all of the people who died tonight."