
The Shining Ones Quotes

The Shining Ones by David Eddings

The Shining Ones Quotes
"The seasons were turning, and the long summer was winding down toward autumn."
"Wrapped in his black Pandion cloak, he stood on the parapet looking pensively out over the glowing city."
"The presence of any given person is more than just the way he looks or the sound of his voice."
"I’ve just been scolded. That always makes me odd."
"We kiss and make up, and everything’s all right again."
"Aren’t you even a little curious about what you’ve been missing?"
"If we all had the same filing system, anybody at all could walk into our offices and find anything he wanted."
"Her words expressed extreme displeasure; her careful preparations, however, said something quite different."
"She’s probably so used to it that she doesn’t even notice it anymore."
"A man my age is willing to accept almost anything."
"He’s a professional swindler, your Majesty. I’ve learned that when something seems too good to be true, it probably is."
"I can live without these "stalwart commanders" and "glorious leaders"."
"You’d have found out how much difference it makes if we’d been moving around near a large body of water."
"It’s like swimming, Caalador. Once you learn how, you never forget."
"Sometimes I wish I’d never even heard of Elenes."
"Mist and fog do strange things to light sometimes."
"Run for your lives! It’s the Delphae – the Shining Ones!"
"Training, I suppose. You develop instincts after a while."
"Thy success or failure in completing Bhelliom’s design may hinge on our assistance."
"Serious people don’t take it seriously, and foolish people take it foolishly."
"I think that’s what ultimately led me to take up a military career."
"The distances on any map are only approximate."
"I much prefer to speak of your singleness of purpose, dear one."
"It is the unseen enemy which is most perilous."
"Thanks for being so polite about it, Khalad."
"You’re even more protective of Sparhawk than he is of you."
"Being consumed with a burning passion that only has a single object is very exciting."
"One of the customs of our people obliges a bride-to-be to spend two months in the tent of her betrothed’s mother."
"After my wedding, they’ll be possessionless spinsters."
"I’ll find out for myself. It’s more fun that way anyhow."
"Let’s get an absolute reference on the position of the sun this evening."
"The notion of 'felicity of style' has never occurred to Sparhawk."
"Of course I love him. I’ve loved him since I was about Danae’s age."
"Sparhawk does what he thinks he has to no matter what I say."
"Why are you so positive that Sparhawk’s deceiving you, Ehlana?"
"Why not find a comfortable camp-site and stay there for a while?"
"If you two want to renew a few eons-old hatreds, I think the rest of us would prefer not to sit through it."
"Thou wert lured here because thou hast the keys to Bhelliom. Thine enemies covet the jewel."
"Our journey is measured in generations, not in leagues."
"We journey toward the light, and we will become light."
"Thine heart is doubtful within thy breast. Thou art of two minds, gentle Sephrenia."
"If thou canst compel the stone, but it loves thee not."
"We must join our efforts in this cause. In victory shall we be freed."
"I am Anakha, thy creature. It is thou who hast caused me to be."
"Military decisions are hard sometimes." - Sparhawk
"That's what the word 'hostage' means, though." - Kalten
"The Cyrgai want the world to believe that they are no more." - Xanetia
"My perception of the thought of others doth require my conscious direction." - Xanetia
"I love you," he told her, still laughing. - Sparhawk to Danae
"I'm not raising a cannibal." - Sparhawk to Danae
"Sephrenia belongs to herself – not to you, not to Zalasta, not even to Vanion. Her soul's her own." - Sparhawk
"I’m absolutely sure that his analysis of the present situation will be enlightening." - Sarabian
"I think we're going to have to keep this just among the four of us." - Sparhawk
"I’ll give you a fencing lesson – one you’ll remember for the rest of your life." - Sarabian
"So hotly did he inflame them with his false reports that on a certain day did the ignorant serfs gather, and swept they down upon that innocent Styric village, slaughtering all and putting their houses to the torch."
"Better a grief that would pass than endless unsatisfied longing."
"His acts that day were monstrous, and it is in our nature to obscure such behavior from ourselves."
"Ye may well perceive the depths of Zalasta’s hatred and despair when thou knowest that his own kindred perished there."
"Better far should she die than that Aphrael should have her."
"The truth hath made her grief all new. She weeps for her parents, dead these many centuries."
"The destruction of Azash had confirmed their surmise; Bhelliom could, in fact, confront and destroy the Gods."
"The dead have no desire to enslave me; the living are not to be trusted."
"You don’t have to, father. Just take my word for it."
"They’re not stealing anything, Sparhawk. What they’re going to do in no way changes the value of money."
"That’s absurd, Sparhawk. She doesn’t get sick. She can’t."
"I wouldn’t have bothered you about it, but I thought I’d like to get your views on the subject."
"Conservatives wouldn’t even change their underwear if they didn’t have to."
"It doesn’t really work, because criminals know that their chances of being caught and punished are very slim."
"Let us go apart from you and your children that we may consider this monstrous demand."
"Men who are sublimely convinced of their own invincibility seldom make good generals."
"I’ll accept your word that the jewel can take us to Matherion. You don’t have any reason to lie to me about it."
"She’s very direct, and she doesn’t waste time asking questions about things she doesn’t need to know about. It’s quite refreshing, actually."
"The world didn’t come to an end, but you get used to that."
"If you’re going to do something, you should do it right."
"You’ve got to learn to have a little more faith."
"Sometimes I wish I’d gone into another line of work. Bashing people for fun and profit starts to wear thin after a while."
"It’s one of the things that make parents age so fast."
"The stresses and tensions which I did relieve in raising the wall had, in truth, been causing her some discomfort for the past thousand eons. Now is she content."
"I don’t like being separated from Sparhawk. There were too many years of that when he was in exile."
"I was born loving Sparhawk. It's really more convenient that way. You don't have to waste time thinking about other possible husbands."
"We can’t just go in and round everybody up. That’s against all the rules of civilized behavior."
"When you’re out in deep water and this kind of fog comes up, all you can do is put out your sea anchor and hope you don’t run aground."
"The air’s colder than the water, Sparhawk. That’s what’s causing the fog."
"I think Bhelliom and I should discuss this in private."
"The next time you need a ship, come and look me up. I’ll take you anywhere you want to go."