
The Towers Of The Sunset Quotes

The Towers Of The Sunset by L.E. Modesitt Jr.

The Towers Of The Sunset Quotes
"Can you see how the pieces fit together? Not just the visible ones, like the towers of the sunset, but those unseen, like the heart of a man or the soul of a wizard."
"Logic indeed is a frail structure to hold a reality that must encompass both order and chaos."
"Patterns never tell the entire story, the order-masters and the chaos-masters notwithstanding."
"For each individual is captured by her patterns, even as she must reconcile them."
"The musician smiles briefly. That is all he can do. That, and bring to music what his eyes have seen."
"What does a house tell of its builder? A sword of its owner? Or of those who stop to admire the lines of each?"
"Even logic must fall to understanding, to those who can laugh at their chains and shatter chaos and upend order."
"Ask not what a man is, that he scramble after flattery as he can, or that he bend his soul to a woman's wish... After all, he is but a man."
"One cannot slander a toad. They live in the mud."
"Ask not the song to be sung, or the bell to be rung, or if my tale is done. The answer is all—and none."
"Oh, white was the color of my love, as bright and white as a dove, and white was he, as fair as she, who sundered my love from me."
"You’re damned lucky that he’s essentially untrained, Syrienna. There’s enough power there for three Blacks. Unlucky for him."
"He may never know if you keep beating his skull."
"You can run to your destiny, but not from it."
"I’m not exactly enthused about dealing with Creslin and Megaera. Do you want to try that?"
"The biggest risk to you is if he should be caught."
"The only chains you’ve ever had are those in your head, and you still wear them!"
"I don’t believe that the Duke’s laws permit the indenture of children for debts of the parents."
"I can’t believe that the White bitch hasn’t taught him something."
"You have moments of brilliance, best-betrothed. Especially when you note the obvious."
"What was I supposed to do? The last time I visited Fairhaven wasn’t especially healthful for me."
"For a Black Wizard, you’re awfully creative at getting around the chaos limits."
"Doing both calls for a Gray Wizard—part White, part Black."
"He’s the consort of Westwind," explains Megaera, "but he claims that doesn’t count as a title."
"Most of my belongings either remained in Westwind or found their way into the hands of the White Wizards."
"The chill. Whatever happens, he will always miss the clean cold of the Roof of the World."
"The way is the way, as solid as the sunset towers, and the southern seas."
"You are the fire of my nights, the light of my days, and the end of my wand’ ring ways."
"There are worse things than having someone forced to watch out for you."
"We might be able to do something with those purple berries that grow on the cliffs."
"Some things cannot be won with cold steel or black storms."
"What? Being human? Or trying to do everything yourself? You can’t do it all."
"You’d better see if you can get Shierra or one of the senior guards to offer blade-training to your troopers."
"He’s not leaving Recluce, and he certainly gives Hamor something else to worry about."
"Sometimes you hurt me, and sometimes we fought, but now that you’ve left me, my life’s been for naught."
"You equate manual effort with work. They’re not the same."
"The only problem is that the two people for whom it has been built are unable to live anywhere close to each other."
"You chose to bind yourself to me. I didn’t choose to be bound to you."
"It’s hard to stay clean when it’s either too hot or too cold."
"There’s always a storm coming, and there will be trouble, and everyone knows this, and no one will say anything."
"You cannot worry over what you can do nothing about."
"Sometimes it seems like nothing safe and orderly will save us."
"Honor is all well and good, but what would you have me do?"
"It’s not that bad, but what other miracles can we expect? And at what price?"
"What am I supposed to do? Sit here and starve?"
"We’re not finished. Walking out didn’t help anyone."
"You think this is easy? No matter what happens…"
"I was going to ride to the holding, but I thought I’d wait for you."
"We may have to leave quickly. Can you pass the word to finish up?"
"No one, I hope. Because there’s not much else we can do."
"Important as that may be, Megaera, we still have this ultimatum."
"It isn’t what we are that counts. It’s what the White Wizards persuade people that we are that matters."
"The ultimatum is to persuade Hamor and Nordla of how unreasonable we are, and to picture Recluce as a danger to the world."
"This time. How long can you push the limits? Anyone else would be dead."
"The rains stayed where Creslin put them, even after the great storm."
"Keeping in mind that you will be taking personal charge of it."
"Best-beloved, you must be joking. You destroy their keep, ransack their port, steal ships from three nations, and . . ."