
Forgiven Quotes

Forgiven by Karen Kingsbury

Forgiven Quotes
"Are you lacking peace? Does traditional religion leave you empty and searching? Come to the oldest truths in the world, the truths that will truly set you free."
"That’s how it was with Katy. She was there when he woke up and waiting for him when he lay down at night."
"God, give Mom a window, please. Let her see how it’s all working out for us."
"We have to keep our hearts open to the unexpected, the unplanned, and the miraculous."
"In the darkest of times, tiny sparks of hope are kindled in our hearts."
"Life’s most profound truths are often cloaked in simplicity."
"Sometimes, in the silence of solitude, we find the answers we seek."
"It’s the moments of struggle that forge our character and shape our destiny."
"Even in the depths of despair, a single act of kindness can reignite the light of hope."
"I keep thinking, what if the boy’s parents had been around, helping him find the way?"
"God had a purpose for everything, and on this day—as difficult as it would be—He would have a reason for her being there."
"It’s a lot of responsibility to make a friend."
"The important thing is, you both caught fish and now we get fish for dinner."
"I like that. That’s the way I’ll think about it."
"Please carry on. If Ben... if he were here he would be sitting there opening night, front and center."
"You can't find your way back to yesterday, and you can't know what tomorrow will bring. But you have today. Make the most of every minute."
"I want this for Katy and Bailey, because they deserve this type of love. It's what they've prayed for all their lives."
"Justice and grace were hard concepts for anyone, especially for a person young in her faith."
"I think God's work would’ve been staying home with you."
"I guess things will be different for you next week when the filming begins."
"Precious daughter, make the most of every opportunity."
"I believe God's telling me to try my hardest on this. I think I'm supposed to meet him. It's my only prayer."
"God, what am I supposed to do? She thought You’d bring our firstborn to her, but You didn’t."
"It was as clear as it was right, and it brought with it a sense of peace that he hadn’t felt since Elizabeth’s death."
"You’ll go back to your world, and anyone who knows about this... about us... will see right through me."
"I think I’m supposed to meet him. It’s my only prayer."
"Let’s just pretend, okay? I like it better that way. We can jog and laugh and talk, and later you’ll go your way and I’ll go mine."
"Let this show bring You glory. Let it be something we can perform in the memory of the friends we lost."
"We’re doing our best on this show for her and little Ben, remember?"
"But why did Dayne have to come here? Why did we have to find each other at all?"
"Dayne didn’t care about any of it. The only thing that mattered was he’d found a way to pull off the scene."
"A young drama instructor who had just walked away one more time without looking back."
"It wasn’t fair, a few of the kids pointed out, and Katy had to agree."
"The point was, the father loved his kids. Both his kids."
"Personal responsibility wasn’t the answer to spiritual lies. The truth would only be found in Scripture."
"The closer he got to Lake Monroe, the more nervous he felt."
"This is ridiculous. She set the letter down on the bedspread and felt her curlers."
"My dearest firstborn, my son, If you are reading this, then you have found me."
"Her father’s tears came harder, and Ashley understood the reason."
"She’d spent the previous night at a friend’s house, one of many recent girls’ nights out."
"I thought I wanted to see you because I needed to tell you I never forgot about you, never stopped loving you. But maybe it was so you could find a heavenly father in God."
"I’m not sure I’m ready," he whispered. "I’m not even sure it’s what I want."
"Everyone needs forgiveness, and only Jesus can take care of that."
"Your father and I made a mistake, but you, Son, are not a mistake."
"We have been forgiven, and wherever you are, I pray you, too, have been forgiven."
"He’d lived a life contrary to everything his missionary parents had stood for."
"God, I need forgiveness. I’ve . . . I’ve made a lot of bad decisions, and I’m done with them, finished with them. I’m sorry, God."
"The way back has to start somewhere for all of us."
"How must he feel? 'These are their friends, right?' His voice was a shaky whisper. 'Friends of the kids I . . . the kids that died.'"
"I can’t give you anything else, honey. You’re doing a great job. But maybe you could ask Jesus to give you something more."
"That’s why we’re here. We forgive you too. Now get your life right with God and make something of yourself."
"I wanted to hate you, Jeremy Fisher. I thought you were selfish and careless and unfeeling. You drank way too much, and then you went out and killed our friends."
"Hate won’t bring back Ben and Sarah Jo. It won’t make you more responsible or less dangerous. Only God can do that."
"Nothing’s the same without him. I miss him so much."
"We’re here because we’ve loved and we’ve lost. We lost Ben and Sarah Jo, but we don’t want to lose Jeremy too."
"Her role as director of CKT had always been the job she felt God alone had given her. But now as she watched the families in the audience come together, hugging and congratulating the cast and crew, showering the Hanovers and the Strykers with love, it became clear that working with these kids was so much more than a job. It was a calling."