
Fire And Hemlock Quotes

Fire And Hemlock by Diana Wynne Jones

Fire And Hemlock Quotes
"A dead sleep came over me, and from my horse I fell."
"The penalty of being grown up was that you saw things like this photograph as they really were."
"I never kill a helpless enemy. Haven't you heard of chivalry?"
"He could, if he wished, win an Olympic Gold Medal for weight-lifting, but this has never occurred to him."
"Don't have anything to do with a certain person."
"The first morning they were at Granny’s, she took pleasure in forgetting to brush it."
"The trouble is, I can’t drive and look where I’m going." - Mr. Lynn
"It’s like those vases. Now-here and Nowhere." - Polly
"I’m going to train to be a hero instead." - Polly
"You aren’t heavy enough to have stopped it." - Mr. Lynn
"I thought you saw. I was too scared to move until I realised you’d get trampled if I didn’t." - Mr. Lynn
"If you found ten new superstitions, you received the Order of the Black Cat, personally drawn by Nina on a page of her rough note pad."
"Funerals and ambulances caused hands to leap to collars, and a number of people nearly got knocked down in the street, either by not walking under ladders or by going out of their way in order to be able to say a black cat had crossed their path."
"It is easier to start something than stop it."
"Only thin, weak thinkers despise fairy stories. Each one has a true, strange fact hidden in it, you know, which you can find if you look."
"People are strange. Usually, they're much stranger than you think. Start from there and you'll never be unpleasantly surprised."
"I think there are several Mr Carlas. It's rather confusing."
"I don't think it's your instrument. How about trying the flute class?"
"In this world, you get taken to the cleaners for having a soft heart."
"I've watched you, David. You've been making up to Polly on the sly for months now."
"You keep ignoring warnings, don't you, little girl? Why?"
"You've got angry and decided to be defiant. Change your mind."
"You can't go out and get happiness like a cup of tea. It's the way you feel about things."
"Can't is won't, most like, if it's that bad."
"It's because there's no law that I have to go out and collect it."
"It's only my own little share of happiness that I want."
"Happiness isn't a thing. You can't go out and get it like a cup of tea."
"Had I the wit yestreen, yestreen, that I have got today, I'd pay my tax seven times to hell ere you were won away!"
"Every nine years, at Hallowe'en, a funeral comes down this road from That House."
"You're not eating, you're not listening, you walk about half the night, and I don't think you're doing a scrap of work."
"People can't just disappear off the face of the earth and everyone conspire to keep it dark."
"And I wanted to know why. So when you went racing outside afterwards, I tiptoed nosily after you and kept out of sight by the cycle sheds."
"But I think I was even more awed by the marveling sort of way he looked at you – as if you were some kind of miracle."
"It would never have occurred to her to think of Thomas Lynn as that."
"Thank God! Fiona, you life-saver! I was going mad!"
"I’ll do it. I’m sick of burned food every other night. You, my girl, are going to write that letter."
"The letter would simply be written into a void."
"The night it is good Hallowe’en, The fairy folk do ride, And they that would their true-love win At Miles Cross they must bide."
"I thought he was, Fiona said apologetically. And I was awed. But I think I was even more awed by the marveling sort of way he looked at you – as if you were some kind of miracle."
"I can’t say I blame you. But I want to keep seeing you. I always wanted to keep seeing you."