
Fading Echoes Quotes

Fading Echoes by Erin Hunter

Fading Echoes Quotes
"Trees whispered, branch to branch, above the lifeless forest floor."
"Clanmates are everything. And we’re your Clanmates now."
"I have told you that you must seek vengeance,"
"You might feel as if you are responsible for his death, but you’re not,"
"They have not visited me; how can they be real?"
"It doesn’t make me any less of a medicine cat."
"Life moved on and Berrynose seemed happy with his new mate."
"You didn’t have a clue we were up there, did you?"
"I’m the one who’s supposed to be surprised, not you!"
"Imagine what it must be like when it’s stormy."
"The prophecy is bigger than the warrior code, right?"
"Don’t you think I haven’t noticed the way you fight?"
"Your training so far seems to have left little impression."
"Borders are still borders. They must remain unblurred."
"Think carefully before you accuse us of something we didn’t do!"
"Good for catching fish... Mice too, any prey that’s quick."
"If we were in the same Clan it would be so easy..."
"Firestar has a new training technique every moon these days."
"Don’t forget you’re just helping. You’ve got nothing to prove."
"Stay away from the catmint. It was the only cure for greencough, and more precious than poppy seeds."
"Remembering Hawkfrost’s instructions, she crouched down, keeping her back low so that it didn’t brush the branches arching from the rocks."
"You’re supposed to be organizing a hunting pair."
"There was enough water to fill the lake even if every stream dried up."
"Luck will have nothing to do with it."
"I’m proud of you," she meowed. "If any cat can help Briarpaw, it’s you."
"We have to face the truth," he explained. "Briarpaw has a difficult path ahead, but I will do everything I can to save her."
"Her legs won’t," Jayfeather meowed gently. "But she doesn’t have to die."
"She’s a warrior at heart," Whitewing murmured.
"No need," Jayfeather meowed. "She’s very positive."
"Plants do what they’re told," Jayfeather commented. "Unlike apprentices."
"We all make mistakes," he murmured. "Some have echoes that last forever."
"Don’t believe everything you hear, little one."
"Success is lonely. I was punished for wanting to lead my Clan."
"All cats like praise," he meowed. "And Tigerstar is smart enough to exploit any grudges."
"It’s okay. I trust you. We’re friends, right?"
"Thanks to her power she could take care of everything."
"Spy on every cat around the lake. Oh, and while you’re at it, you may as well spy on your own Clanmates."
"Why should I be responsible for every cat’s destiny?"
"We’re just trying to warn you that not all warriors are perfect, and Tigerstar will be the first to take advantage of that."
"ShadowClan is planning to invade your territory."
"He’ll believe anything you want him to, if you put it the right way."
"It’s bad enough that we have to sleep in the apprentices’ den again, without them chattering like sparrows in their sleep."
"This battle should never have happened!"
"Although the cats can’t figure it out for certain yet, the leaves and branches were put here by humans in an attempt to camouflage a cage."
"Let the cats poke around and investigate as they like."
"Following the sounds of the Twolegs is easy. They apparently know nothing about stealth or subtlety."
"The question isn’t whether or not you can find their camp; the question is what you’ll do once you’re there."
"This looks like a mouse—but it’s not at all fresh and there are other bitter tastes in there, too."
"The Twolegs are big and they’re strong, but sometimes being a warrior means standing your ground and fighting, even when winning seems impossible."
"With a loud clanking noise, the mouths of all the caves open and all the trapped cats leap out!"