
The Nature Of The Beast Quotes

The Nature Of The Beast by Louise Penny

The Nature Of The Beast Quotes
"Knowledge wasn't always power. Sometimes it was crippling."
"His senses, honed and heightened, instinctively took in the musky scent of the forest floor, took in the shafts of sunlight."
"Old man look at my life, twenty-four and there's so much more."
"But for now he ran, so great was his will to survive."
"Sometimes there’s a clear motive, sometimes it’s just bad luck."
"He thought only of killing those in his sights. And buying time."
"He raised his weapon, took aim, and squeezed the trigger."
"The three pines is an old code for sanctuary."
"Down, down, down. Laurent would have gained speed, his legs pumping, the stick almost certainly out in front. A lance in a heroic charge."
"Blunt force trauma, it was called in the report. What the autopsy couldn’t show was the ongoing trauma to everyone who loved the child."
"Nothing so far," Reine-Marie said, then looking around she noticed her husband wasn’t with her. He was standing at the spot where Laurent had landed, looking at the ground. Then he turned and looked back up the hill.
"But they knew the only way Laurent would lose it was if he lost his hand. It was more than just a stick to Laurent."
""It must be there," Al said at last. "Where we found him. Or the cops picked it up."
"Laurent’s father viewing a world where nine-year-old boys died in accidents. Gamache seeing a world where even worse things happened."
"The boy had probably been giddy with excitement. Maybe even shouting, "Caaaaah-hoooo."
"Armand Gamache was the moving man, the ferryman, who took him there."
"That was the problem. They were the most difficult murderers to find, not simply because if they were willing to kill a child, they were willing to do anything, but also because the emotions of the family, the witnesses, the friends, the public and the investigators were heightened. Volcanic. It could obscure the truth, warp perceptions."
"Monsters existed. Their son had been murdered by one."
"Well, all children are sad but some get over it. Count your blessings. Better than that, buy a hat. Buy a coat or pet. Take up dancing to forget."
""Worked on it every night after he went to bed. He wanted an iPhone."
"No he didn’t," said Armand."
"Perhaps, thought Lacoste, they didn’t think she spoke English. She decided not to disabuse them of that thought."
"That what Gerald Bull said could be done really could. And that he’d actually do it. He was assassinated to stop him, there’s little doubt of that."
"You’ll have to forgive Monsieur Delorme," said Mary Fraser, giving her colleague a filthy look. "We’re not often allowed out of the office."
"I think the Canadian government supported Dr. Bull’s research, encouraged it even. Poured money into it."
"I’d hoped by getting rid of the corruption the worst was over, but now…"
"Words and sometimes whole lines had been blacked out, redacted, on the pages."
"No one would notice, or remember, a particular racket in the woods thirty years ago."
"She reached across the table and placed her hand on his."
"The two of them looked at the window, created at the end of the Great War. It showed soldiers, impossibly young, clutching guns and moving forward through no-man’s land."
"There were no rules or laws, and no boundaries. If governments were making a mess of it, you can imagine the damage the arms dealers were doing."
"But either way, he belonged in the corridors of academe. And so did she."
"This was a twenty-five-year-old murder case. Armand Gamache’s responsibility wasn’t to the gun, and it sure wasn’t to Gerald Bull. It was to Laurent. Who’d warned them all, and been ignored."
"Most people had been either too young at the time the gun was built, or hadn’t lived there then."
"‘We sat down and wept,’ Gamache had whispered into Rosenblatt’s ear, as they’d said good-bye."
"Grief took its toll each morning, each evening, every noon hour as those who were left behind struggled forward."
"This was the real Laurent, and he was lost forever."
"But in his fifties Armand Gamache knew that sitting still was far more difficult, and frightening, than running around."
"She hadn’t really thought of him as a person."
"People don’t behave normally when there’s been a death, especially a violent one. Especially a child."
"It was like a moat had been carved around them."
"Sometimes a difficult question was best left to burrow into a person. And sit there, barbed."
"That play is Fleming and Fleming is a murderer."
"I think they might have been a perfect team," he said, looking at the photo. "Bull gregarious, outgoing. Dr. Couture quieter, a bachelor scientist. Devoted to his work."
"You have no idea of the world you've entered," Mary Fraser said. "A coward not only dies a thousand deaths, he can cause them too."
"You gave up that right when you ran away to this quaint little village with its café au laits and village fêtes."
"I see someone who’s been tunneling in the dark for so long you’ve gone blind."
"And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"
"All sorts of apparently unrelated and unimportant pieces come together to form something lethal."
"The bigger the secret, the greater the danger."
"Turning and turning in the widening gyre/The falcon cannot hear the falconer."
"I’m not a draft dodger, Evie. And my name isn’t Al Lepage. It’s Frederick Lawson. I was a private in the army. I deserted."
"That they were building the biggest goddamned missile launcher this side of the River Jordan? Even I’m not that nuts. Who thinks that?"
"Would I meet your eyes, and stand,/rooted and speechless, While the pavement cracked to pieces/and the sky fell down."
"It’s a vile image. It’s hounded women for centuries and been an excuse for witch trials and torture and burnings."
"It was a kind of rock, with time moving around it, but not through it. It wasn’t really of this world."
"She couldn’t have been more than ten years old. She knelt on the ground in front of me, her arms out. She said nothing. Not a word, not a sound. No begging, no crying. There was no fear. None. All I could see in her eyes was pity."