
A Symphony Of Echoes Quotes

A Symphony Of Echoes by Jodi Taylor

A Symphony Of Echoes Quotes
"God only knew where we were, we couldn’t see a thing. A real pea-souper."
"No, but we could certainly scare the living crap out of him."
"Contrary to popular belief, we historians aren’t completely stupid."
"It’s all finished now. You can’t fart these days without at least three of them turning up. Carter the Farter, eh?"
"Despite the November chill, the inside was hot, steamy, and smelled strongly of people and drink."
"We may have looked like a couple of poor but honest shop girls, but the amount of weaponry we had stashed around our persons was considerable."
"This was Kal’s last jump. Her lifelong ambition – to see Jack the Ripper."
"We work for the Institute of Historical Research, based at St Mary’s Priory just outside Rushford. We don’t do time-travel. That’s for amateurs."
"No matter what else is going on, my first duty is always to this unit."
"When you really hate someone, judgement and good sense just fly straight out of the window."
"I could hear voices shouting outside. The other two ignored her and ran out of the door."
"I gave silent thanks to the god of historians."
"Enough. Every second she lingered in life was another opportunity for her to damage someone, somewhere."
"I raised my gun and shot her again. Now she was dead."
"I leaned against the wall, took a couple of deep breaths, and with trembling hands, made my gun safe."
"But it was what I meant. Only thirteen. If you’d told them what they wanted to know they’d have shoved the whole unit against a wall, shot you all, and taken the pods anyway."
"We can’t let this be the defining event of your lives."
"Far better to regard them as an insignificant pimple on the arse of your success, don’t you think?"
"St Mary’s on the move is a terrifying sight."
"Sometimes, it’s not easy. I try to remember people are a renewable resource, but sometimes there is someone special."
"You fell asleep unflatteringly quickly. Were you bored?"
"Yes, but good manners prevented me from leaving early."
"Extraordinary people achieve extraordinary things."
"It has been an honour and a privilege to serve with you."
"Your achievements over the past six weeks have been more than extraordinary."
"We’re doing some work on Mary Stuart and I think you may have the answers to some questions."
"No incident, however seemingly trivial, is unimportant in the scheme of things."
"They talk of The Harmony of the Spheres, but History is A Symphony of Echoes. Every little action has huge consequences."
"We watched them go from Hawking. They all seemed confident, if grim."
"Everyone has a price and it’s not always money."
"The hum of conversation slowly died away as the minutes passed. Tension built."
"They pushed Knox forward. The Director sat in the middle chair."
"This is not a trial according to the laws of this land. St Mary’s deals with its own problems."
"Dr Knox, your failure to respond to the charges laid against you leads us to assume you believe you have no defence and are, therefore, pleading guilty."
"‘You can’t do this,’ screamed Knox into the wind."
"The Director was saying something. It was hard to hear over the wind and the screams."
"A very quick succession of short sharp cracks – so quick they almost sounded like one single, ragged shot – and it was done."
"No, you don’t do that. You don’t drag David Sands into this because you don’t want to talk."
"Your life is not fine. It’s not fine now and it certainly wasn’t when you were young."
"I don’t understand you. I’m beginning to think I never will."
"No, I mean you didn’t actually pay the price, at all, did you?"
"You’re a sad and lonely woman, Maxwell. You always will be."
"The trick involves producing silk scarves, for crying out loud. How the hell could he possibly manage to set fire to the curtains?"
"You instructed him to practice his conjuring tricks. The curtains ignited."
"‘Well,’ said Tim, ‘I could stay here for ever.’"
"Good evening, historians. Can I be of any assistance?"
"‘So,’ I said, ‘where do we go from here, Max? What now? Is there any way we can make this right again?’"
"Perhaps, somehow, we could start again. Maybe we could do it better next time."
"I think we must remember that Ronan is still out there."
"So, let’s make a start. We’re jumping to 16th-century Edinburgh."
"No, it’s not good at all. Mr Ronan was still a comparatively young man when he escaped from St Mary’s."
"Dr Maxwell, start putting things together, please. I want a …"
"We're fleeing for our lives in the rain-swept gloom of 16th century Scotland and you're still banging on about your bloody stupid bloody car?"
"If he's dead then he's not in the Cretaceous. Or at Alexandria. Or anywhere. And by extension, we might not be, either."
"Major, please get the pods prepped and start work on the Richard Hampton character."
"A female presence may be useful since we're dealing with a queen."
"I don't often lay down the law but in I'm doing so in this case. Everyone on this assignment needs to be very clear about this. No harm must come to Mr Ronan."
"The next step – Dr Peterson and Major Guthrie’s team jump to Edinburgh. They rent a house – a big one – and prepare the way."
"The only thing we do know is that something is very wrong in 1567 and we have to sort it out."
"All this – these are gifts from my masters in Istanbul. Tokens of goodwill and respect."
"And then, we ride into Edinburgh, making as much noise as possible."