
When Life Gives You Lululemons Quotes

When Life Gives You Lululemons by Lauren Weisberger

When Life Gives You Lululemons Quotes
"This was New Year’s Eve in Los Angeles, one of the most annoying nights of the year in arguably the most annoying city known to humanity."
"Night was the only time Los Angeles really shone."
"I’m not sure if you remember, but we met a couple years ago at the Met Ball."
"I’m not sure I understand the whole story myself, but Riz appeared on Seacrest’s Times Square show earlier tonight."
"I’m at Gigi Hadid’s childhood mansion and not nearly as drunk as I should be."
"You’re not mad, are you? If you’re going to cheat, you better pick someone a hell of a lot hotter than that."
"New York, her first and truest love, awaited."
"Getting drunk through your cooch instead of your mouth will result in an identical DUI."
"This is the longest I’ve ever gone without seeing him."
"I’m no expert, but I thought you didn’t get a shower after baby number one."
"I feel like we just stepped into an episode of Housewives."
"But you can’t keep me from my adoring fans forever."
"I’m going to remind you of that muffin when you complain about your weight later."
"Think of me as your intimacy concierge for high-end luxury products only."
"Men are often overcome with a desire to buy their wives diamonds when sex is reintroduced to the marriage!"
"Lean years...can quickly become the norm if you aren’t vigilant." - Sage
"It's literally the best date night ever." - Sage
"I thought... It’s quite a bit of money." - Miriam
"I’m so sorry. So, so sorry. I really wish it could be different." - Natalie
"Anything over two is distasteful." - Miranda Priestly
"Celebrities are fickle and oftentimes stupid." - Miranda Priestly
"I can’t walk. I’m crippled. Permanently maimed. Who the hell does this for fun?" - Emily
"You’re not getting out of sex with your husband that easily." - Emily
"I’m trying to remain impartial and represent both of you fairly." - Trip
"I can’t even imagine what Mama would say now." - Karolina
"The real question is what are you doing here tonight?" - Alistair
"I mean, you look phenomenal, don’t get me wrong, but is it worth it? I’d so much rather just starve than have to put myself through that five days a week." - Emily
"Listen, have you seen Eric? I don’t want him to miss the show either."
"You know what? I was a lot of things tonight, but bored wasn’t one of them."
"I think Eric is cheating on me. No, scratch that—I know he is."
"I’m not sure why you are with this little plot of yours, but it took all of three seconds to figure out."
"It’s time to tell me that dirt you weren’t willing to divulge before."
"You have something on him, I know you do. It’s written all over your face."
"It’s just that we haven’t been entirely on the same page."
"I’m doing everything within my power to make it right again."
"He got so shitfaced that he came home from the bar and broke down."
"I would never punish the daughter for the mother’s crimes."
"It’s time people saw him for exactly what he is."
"You’re pregnant. There is no room to argue here."
"I spent the better part of the last five years trying to get pregnant. You don’t think I know exactly how a drugstore pregnancy test works?"
"I can still shop," Emily said, tossing her Goyard over her shoulder.
"I have always supported this sordid little story coming out, and I haven’t made any apologies for it."
"Emily, I’d like you to look right here." Dr. Werner pointed at a black blob on the screen. It lolled about like a jellyfish afloat in rough water.
"I’m not happy!" Emily said automatically. She tried desperately to look bitchy—usually something that came so naturally to her—but she couldn’t keep the smile off her face.
"I still can’t believe this is happening," Miriam said as she helped line up baby bottles filled with pink jelly beans.
"I still think you should have moved to Connecticut," Karolina said, walking into the room. "Now that you’re going to be a mom and all."
"Yes, please," Emily said, squeezing them both. "I thought you’d never ask."