
Tell Me Lies Quotes

Tell Me Lies by Carola Lovering

Tell Me Lies Quotes
"I wonder where she gets the energy at 6:30 a.m. She probably didn’t stay up until one in the morning drinking copious amounts of sauvignon blanc and eating sweet potato fries with her new, hot, but slightly ridiculous maybe-boyfriend."
"By the time I get down to the street it’s 6:08, and I don’t trust the subway to get me uptown on time. I hail a cab. It’s irresponsible, spending ten dollars on transportation that could be free—work pays for my unlimited MetroCard—but I can’t miss Soul."
"I’m going to be a wreck for the rehearsal dinner."
"I watch the city slink away from the window of the train. I close my eyes, still exhausted, but I know I won’t be able to sleep."
"Sometimes I can’t stand it when the hour is up and I’d have to wait a whole week to be near him again, to be close enough to smell his perfect Gabe smell—a mix of sweat and new tennis balls, fresh from the can."
"I promised myself something. Promise yourself something."
"Don’t ever settle again. What’s the point? Everybody gets hurt. Besides, life is too short. Wait to find someone you’re really crazy about, even if it takes time. It’s just better that way."
"I was at the barber two weeks ago. My hair grows like I wash it with fucking fertilizer."
"New Yorkers in LA need to stick together, you know. These new age, hippie sun chasers are not our people."
"It was one of those moments I would look back on for years to come: a blurred image in a magnifying glass; a memory distorted in a fishbowl."
"I’d never loved the feeling of a guy going down on me, but maybe it was Parker’s ineptitude."
"I knew I wouldn’t make it to the bathroom in time. I covered my mouth and pointed to the trash bin."
"I am not letting a young inebriated girl walk across campus alone in the middle of the night. There could be rapists lurking in the shadows."
"That book totally broke my heart, but I loved it."
"When you’re trying to fuck a girl, you laugh at her half jokes. You laugh at fucking everything she says."
"Food isn’t actually that important, if you think about it. Physically, the human body can go weeks without it."
"It’s not a bad thing. No reason to rush it. I just want to go down on you."
"I don’t want to have sex," I said. "I know," he replied.
"Manipulation is not a bad word. It’s not a cynical mind-set. It’s a proactive approach to exploiting opportunities."
"If you’re addicted to me, I’m addicted to you."
"The last guy I dated was addicted to painkillers," Pippa continued, ignoring Lauren’s disapproving glare.
"It's funny—when you get what you want, it almost automatically decreases in value."
"I love eating the way I love sex. Even when I’m satisfied, I almost can’t stand when it’s over."
"Things happen when they’re supposed to happen, and you can’t rush them."
"You can’t make a single decision that doesn’t involve her."
"I don’t like you. I love you, Princess Diana."
"It’s hard to believe we were the same set of sisters."
"I’m in awe of your grace, your kindness, your intelligence, and your beauty, equally radiant inside and out."
"It's just good sense to keep boys on their toes, otherwise he’ll think you’re desperate."
"I was so attracted to you, too. It was ridiculous."
"I think—I’ve always thought—that I could love you, Lucy."
"I’ve developed feelings for someone else. It just sort of happened."
"Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Just like you."
"There’s no way I’m gonna be some loner who’s still single when he’s thirty."
"But we have to make a quick stop here. I forgot something."
"You’re going back to school. You have two more whole years at Baird. And I’m in New York now."
"If I get to a point where I’m feeling like I want to hook up with someone, I’ll tell you."
"He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake . . ."
"Someone who causes harm to others without guilt—that’s a sociopath in action."
"I would certainly be required to pay for the meal, and I’d need to pick the restaurant."
"I hadn’t talked to him in months. And he doesn’t even go to Baird anymore."
"The sun hid behind a thick wash of clouds, but the air was warm."
"I felt so stuffed with food it repulsed me; my stomach protruded like a pregnant person’s, a hard ball of beer and carbs and cheese."
"The sun sat high in the cloudless sky, splitting down in sharp rays."
"She poured the wine, and it clunk clunk clunked through the nose of the bottle and into our glasses."
"People who are harder to access pose a challenge, and the challenge makes them easier to love."
"I’ll miss you," he’d said. "Maybe I can try to come visit one weekend, if work isn’t too crazy. Otherwise, see you over Thanksgiving?"
"I hadn’t answered. I’d wanted to, a million times, desperately, but I fought against it."
"I did it over and over again, until I was puking only liquid, sure all the food was out."
"I thought maybe you wanted some help packing."
"I had never seen anything close to that sum of money in cash form, and I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with it."
"If you want my real opinion, I was actually surprised you decided to stick with the law school route."
"I could feel the bleakness of the months ahead, the same bleakness I’d felt before the summer."
"I thought airplanes were bullshit, that there was no way a giant, heavy metal contraption could stay suspended in the sky carrying hundreds of people across countries and oceans."
"There was never a time when I believed in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny; I was simply not ignorant enough."
"She’s pretty." Billy said. "Not as pretty as you."
"It’s hard for me to say everything I’m feeling in words."
"I missed you today, baby." Alice placed her hand on my leg."
"We’re having problems, sure, but you can’t just give up like this."
"If there’s one thing I’ve come to understand over the past few years, it’s that life is a lot bigger than my individual issues."
"I watched her walk over to the tall guy and he put his hand on her shoulder and leaned in too close to her."
"She always had a hissy fit if I didn’t respond to her texts in a timely manner."
"I just didn’t know if we were supposed to re-sign," I lied.
"Love is something you live and feel in real time, in every single moment, big or small. It’s reciprocal and often unglamorous."
"People messed up. People were allowed to mess up."
"My heart felt empty and full at the same time."