
Heartless Quotes

Heartless by Gail Carriger

Heartless Quotes
"Five months you—dare I say it—gentlemen have been sitting on this little scheme of yours and only now you decide to inform me of it!"
"Oh, and the constant vampire death threats are so very restful for a woman in my condition?"
"I may be soulless and I am, admittedly, not precisely maternal, but I am by no means heartless."
"How do you think I feel being on the receiving end of such constant supervision?"
"Something untoward always occurs in Lord Akeldama’s drawing room."
"Reasonable? Go boil your head in reasonable!"
"You may be a tad outrageous, Lady Maccon, but you are always civilized."
"I protect my own. But Queen Victoria would be livid if I pulled military strings in a personal matter."
"Just think how terribly dull your life was before I came into it."
"I'm preternatural. You might know the term, as in soulless? Or curse-breaker. I have no soul. None at all. As a matter of fact, I can cancel it out in supernatural creatures given half a chance."
"I assure you, Ivy, this is the honest truth, universally acknowledged by those in a position to know such details."
"I had a recent delivery of new fashion plates from Paris, and you hardly glanced at the hairstyles."
"I am afraid it might be. If you would excuse me, Ivy?"
"Why, yes. So hard to finish in one way, so easy to finish in another. A strong girl, good at finishing."
"Everyone orders from London, madam. It is the fashion."
"I am to act as escort this evening, my lady?"
"I have a feeling it will already be commissioned."
"His most recent inabilities have resulted in some rather disastrous redecoration of your back parlor."
"Top of the evening to you, my blooming marigold!"
"I have never seen him favor anyone of either sex."
"No, I should say instead poor Professor Lyall."
"What is that tremendous ruckus in the back parlor?"
"I can't imagine having to handle daily tasks with someone less agreeable affixed."
"I'll take my chances with the pain and the curse, should I be so lucky as to have the choice."
"Madam, the most interesting series of aetherograms have just come in through the transmitter."
"I had thought it was a part of being Beta, to love the pack at the expense of every other romance."
"I think you're on the wrong track. No good can come of meddling in the past."
"There is a most licentious music hall show opening this very evening, and I have a mind to attend in full regalia."
"We all came from somewhere originally, even us vampires."
"Immortality, my lady, is nothing to treat lightly, no matter the package or the price."
"You must begin to accustom yourself to being a werewolf, Biffy dear."
"There is no worse noise in the universe than a proud, kind young man suffering."
"Preternatural! Preternatural female! What are you—Oh, oh, yes. You are the one who will stop it."
"You are the one who will stop it. Stop it all. You are."
"How on earth did you get out of the Woolsey dungeon?"
"It's a good thing I enjoy your company, Biffy."
"His nostrils flared. His hairy head swiveled around to cast a yellow-eyed glare in her direction."
"Well, I had nothing better to do of an evening, and I did hear you needed help in entertaining an unexpected guest."
"I do see. Is there any way in which I may provide assistance?"
"It is not my intent to engender such gripping affection, I assure you. It is purely by accident."
"Biffy, duckling, what a surprise your visiting little old me at this time of moon."
"You are a picture, Miss Loontwill. A picture."
"For goodness’ sake, stop wallowing, both of you."
"It was revenge. Never forget, my lady, I’m still a werewolf."
"Oh, really." Lady Maccon was revolted. She looked at the Duke of Hematol. "Would you like me to sober her up?" She twiddled her naked fingers at him.
"Right, you lot. I’ve had about enough of this waggish behavior."
"No, no. Political nightmare. Vampire queen in the palace? Trust me, darling, it is never a good idea to have too many queens in one place, let alone one palace."
"This is not allowed," she said in a blanket kind of way, including both the imminent baby, the vampires, Quesnel, and the octomaton.
"In my experience, murder could almost be an expression of affection."
"We must bring the creature down somehow, buy us enough time to get to Woolsey. The sun is rising."
"Invite us in to stay, Alexia Maccon, Lady of Woolsey, mistress of this domicile."
"Of course they are." Alexia doubled over in pain as another contraction ripped through her.
"You didn’t think I would let you get away with everything, did you?"