
Those Girls Quotes

Those Girls by Chevy Stevens

Those Girls Quotes
"We’d only been on the road for an hour but we were almost out of gas."
"None of us had ever traveled this far from home before."
"It was the middle of July and so hot you couldn’t walk outside without feeling your skin cook."
"Sometimes I imagined that I could still see the blood under them, as if it had soaked into my skin like it had our floors."
"Dani always sounded pissed off, but I didn’t pay any attention to it unless she was really mad."
"I touched the camera hanging around my neck. My mom had given it to me when I was ten, just before she died."
"I thought of all the times I’d worried he was going to kill one of us, all the times I wished he’d just disappear."
"I couldn’t stop thinking about the shovel in my hands, Dad’s body slumped in the wheelbarrow, how it had rolled out."
"My sisters were my favorite subjects, but I liked it best when they didn’t know I was there."
"Maybe we should have one beer with them, then they’ll leave us alone."
"If you come out, I’ll put in some extra hours tomorrow night after work—might be able to fix the water pump faster."
"Sometimes giving in is fighting, Jess. We can control it."
"We’ll live on the streets or a shelter or something."
"Making sure there was no sign we’d ever been there."
"I’d woken up at two in the morning, my pulse racing when I heard steps creep past our door."
"I’ll get birth certificates for you. Should have them in a couple of days. How old are you all?"
"That’s no fifteen-year-old’s body. I blinked back tears, stared down at the table, the smell of bacon grease turning my stomach now."
"I studied my own, broken and rough. Then I remembered Brian’s, the grease under his nails."
"You’re young enough people will believe you don’t have social insurance numbers yet. But you should get them soon—not all at once."
"I was terrified, the first contractions worse than anything I’d imagined, the physical exam horrible, the doctor’s hands reaching up high into my body."
"I felt good for her, my fingers itching for my camera, but I hadn’t taken it out of my packsack since Brian had dropped it."
"I thought about my mom and my aunts, how scared they must have been when their truck broke down on the road."
"My mom and my aunts had lied to me for my whole life, every single day."
"I remembered teaching Lacey how to use my software the night before."
"I felt like part of me was cleaning the stalls and the other part was standing outside watching."
"I’d wondered if my real father had other children."
"I’d never appreciated my job at the gym so much before."
"It was hard work—my hand broke out in blisters, my back and arm muscles ached."
"I was scared to move around in case I bumped into anything."
"I’m going to move my hand. If you make one noise or kick me again, I’m shoving this knife into your guts, hear me?"
"You move another muscle and I’m slitting your throat."
"Wake up! You’ve got some questions to answer."
"I’ll see you girls tonight after work. We’ll have a party."
"Skylar?" he nervously licked his lips. "Did she, like, run away or something?"
"We don’t want to press charges," Dallas said. "We just want you to know that they’re dangerous. We believe Crystal came here to confront them, and Skylar followed. We think Brian and Gavin have done something to them."
"You need to stay away from the Luxtons," he said. "If you’re caught on their property, they could press charges. I don’t want to have to warn you again."
"That’s why I want to talk to the police," I said. "They’ll be able to figure out if he’s lying."
"You shouldn’t waste that, going to be awhile before you get more."
"I’ve got to get ready to go out, but you and me, we’ve got a date later."