
The Summer I Turned Pretty Quotes

The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han

The Summer I Turned Pretty Quotes
"My whole life was measured in summers. Like I don’t really begin living until June, until I’m at that beach, in that house."
"Smirky mouths make you want to kiss them, to smooth them out and kiss the smirkiness away."
"The air tasted just the same, smelled just the same. Like it had been waiting for me to get there."
"You sleep so well after you’ve been in the water. It’s like no other feeling."
"Sometimes it’s like people are a million times more beautiful to you in your mind."
"Because even when he hated her, he admired her."
"If I was reading for real, I would be locked in my room with Flowers in the Attic or something and not Jane Austen."
"He looked at me, and he smiled in this familiar way, and suddenly I had this crazy thought. I thought, Jeremiah Fisher wants to kiss me."
"Those boys didn’t compare to Conrad or Jeremiah, so what was the point?"
"She feels bad she and Daddy are getting a divorce so she’s buying me all kinds of stuff."
"I thought that by bringing her I’d be proving that I was a pretty one too."
"Taylor, you’ve got to pick one. You can’t have them both."
"I wasn’t going to let him goad me into being a baby."
"I envied their relationship. They were exactly like copilots, in perfect balance."
"I was turning the color of dark toffee. I looked like a whole different person in the summer."
"I wanted to say, I thought you were here to have fun with me. But I didn’t."
"Life was good. Or it was getting there, anyway."
"I wanted to kiss him then. I wanted to forget I ever knew Conrad and just be there, existing in the bubble of that moment."
"Which, was sort of my dream come true—getting cold and having a guy actually give you his hoodie instead of gloating over how smart he’d been to bring one."
"I don’t believe in polluting your body with unnatural stuff."
"Victory is a thousand times sweeter when you’re the underdog."
"Moments, when lost, can’t be found again. They’re just gone."
"Everything felt safe and cozy, like that fight hadn’t happened."
"I don’t judge people who choose to eat meat. It’s a personal choice."
"Please don’t kiss Belly at the dinner table."
"So you don’t mind when her lips touch dead animal and then they touch your, um, lips?"
"Everybody has to get over a first love, it’s a rite of passage."
"If I had to say why Margot loves him, I think maybe I would say it’s because we all do."
"We can go to a parfumerie and get our personal scents done!"
"Your sister suffers from delusions of grandeur."
"Josh who loves you more than any boy has ever loved a girl!"
"She told me to try not to go to college with a boyfriend. She said she didn’t want me to be the girl crying on the phone with her boyfriend and saying no to things instead of yes."
"It’s not too late, you know. You can go over there right now and tell him you changed your mind."
"Lara Jean," she begins, in her patient Margot voice, like I am a child and she is a wise old woman of forty-two."
"I wish I’d been in love more than once. I think you should fall in love at least twice in high school."
"Chris isn’t the kind of friend you call every night or have lunch with every day. She is like a street cat, she comes and goes as she pleases."
"Those people at Belleview have lived more life than everyone we know combined."
"We have to be more than careful. No one can ever know what we’re up to. What we do together lives and dies with us."