
Fuzzy Nation Quotes

Fuzzy Nation by John Scalzi

Fuzzy Nation Quotes
"It’s not that I don’t value you as part of this team, Carl. I do. Really, I do."
"I’m just not getting through to you. We’ve gone over this how many times now?"
"This is acoustical blasting putty. What do we do with it?"
"Who are you going to believe, I’m here. They’re there."
"The body heat of someone wearing a stone was enough to make it glow from within."
"As an independent prospector, anything I find is mine."
"They’re here with roughly twenty-five million credits’ worth of equipment."
"You’ve got an infopanel and a history of bad surveying practices."
"The data feeds were suddenly spiking through their bandwidth."
"That’s the second time I’ve heard that today, too."
"A new, large mammal like this in a faunasphere that’s primarily reptilian in nature is a significant find."
"You talk as if I’m not standing next to a billion-credit sunstone seam, Chad."
"We’ve done all the damage we’re going to do around here for today. Let’s go home."
"You’re not going to be taking them with you."
"I don’t think they’re going to make the leap from watching movement on an infopanel to dropping rocks on me from above."
"Your evil mystic cuteness has no effect on me."
"I hope you choke on it. You’re all fur-bearing pains in my ass, you know that."
"If I don’t call you back by about midnight, I think that one way or another, there’s a real good chance I’m going to need a lawyer."
"It’s like they were evolutionarily designed for adorability, isn’t it?"
"But sometimes it feels good to do the wrong thing."
"The dog didn’t lie about her during an inquiry."
"I think it’s clear that sometimes I just don’t think."
"It’s not murder if he’s a trespasser on private property and he refuses to leave when told to."
"By the time I called you, I was no longer in danger of being consumed."
"That’s what you get for assuming patriarchy."
"I have to say I'm deeply moved by ZaraCorp’s concern for its common worker."
"I give you my word I will not punch my client."
"Sometimes in life you’re going to win and sometimes you’re going to lose. But just because you lose doesn’t mean the other guy needs to win."
"I have a witness, Your Honor. You need to let my witness talk."
"This is what I’ve been trying to tell you, Your Honor. I have a witness. It is ready to testify."
"One thing I’ve always been blessed with is better people than I deserve."
"This decision will bring operations on Zara Twenty-three to a standstill."
"I know you can’t understand me, but I know who did this. I know who did it and I am going to punish him for it."
"They wouldn’t be surprises then, would they."
"Talk to it, Your Honor. If you think I’m trying to trick you, talk to this fuzzy here."
"Your Honor, I may showboat, but I’m not stupid."
"That doesn’t prove a thing. A transmitter could feed the thing lines."
"My name is, Jack Holloway calls me ‘Papa’ but that is not my name. My name is."
"How do you feel, Papa? - I feel with my hands."
"I wanted to go back but my people were scared."
"It’s deep shit this time. Because you walked right up to a tiny sentient being, lifted up your boot, and stomped the life right out of it."