
The Yellow Eyes Of Crocodiles Quotes

The Yellow Eyes Of Crocodiles by Katherine Pancol

The Yellow Eyes Of Crocodiles Quotes
"There are plenty of reasons, and this one is as good as any."
"Just die, without a word. Fade away, like a lamp slowly dimming."
"Get on with it, peel those potatoes. You can think about all that other stuff later."
"There's always work for someone who wants to work."
"Watch it, don’t let yourself go. Get your act together."
"I must sound like a broken record, always talking about money."
"I feel like you hate me. What did I ever do to you?"
"I can’t stand your hypocrisy! You were just plying the world’s oldest profession."
"If the money doesn’t disappear too fast, I might be able to rent a house at the beach for the girls next summer, buy them nice clothes, take them to plays and concerts."
"I used to look down on Bérengère, I thought myself I had nothing in common with her. But the fact is, I was all a-twitter when we were chattering."
"I’m in Croco Park, on the east coast of Kenya between Malindi and Mombasa, and I’m raising crocodiles for a big Chinese company."
"I need to find a husband like yours," Caroline sighed, not realizing that Iris was feeling unnerved.
"My life is falling apart, and I’m watching it dissolve."
"You know that mommies understand everything, forgive everything, and they love their children even if they’re cold-blooded murderers."
"A beautiful young girl, and all the boys will fall in love with her."
"It’s when you love someone, when you really want to kiss them, but you wait and wait . . . All that waiting, that’s desire."
"The day Philippe dumps her, Iris won’t have a pot to piss in."
"I was born with more than you, but I’ve squeezed every drop out of life, and all I’ve got left is the dried-out rind."
"It’s as if you talked to Max about his wee-wee."
"You see that little star at the very tip of the dipper, Jo? If it went away, the whole dipper would lose its balance and fall."
"There’s something you have to understand. Max is fourteen, almost fifteen. He should be her friend, not yours."
"I’m going to write a historical novel set in the twelfth century, just as I boasted I would, that night."
"The British figured this out this years ago. They gave up their heavy industries and turned into a service economy, and now their country’s going great guns."
"People like this Mr. Wei only do things if they’re forced to."
"I won’t marry Guillaume. I want to enter a convent."
"Happiness means accepting effort and doubt, and keeping on moving forward, overcoming obstacles."
"You’re my only friend, the only person I confide in, and I don’t want that trust and friendship jeopardized."
"I’ve learned that happiness doesn’t mean living a safe life without screwups or mistakes, without taking risks."
"Nobody’s ever really free, Joséphine. Not me, not anybody."
"How many lives are we allowed during our time on earth?"
"I was the same as I am now, but even more clueless."
"Tonight I feel like I’m christening a ship about to be launched into the world."
"The only real security would come from turning our backs on men altogether—not needing them anymore. But that would be a kind of death."
"I never asked you to leave them, Antoine. You did that on your own."
"That’s the one! And I’m telling you, it’s killing him."
"I’m as old as the man I love wants to think I am."
"Luxury’s nice, Marcel, but after a while you get tired of it."
"Can I talk to him? Absolutely! But introduce yourself first."
"You love me, and you’re building an empire for Junior."
"Josiane grabbed them. What beautiful keys! Nice and heavy. The keys to paradise!"
"You have to go register him at city hall, and I need to rest. I’m a bit tired."
"Is he already moving? Like a breakaway cyclist in the Tour de France."
"We celebrated Christmas out on the terrace under a warm, starry night."
"That’s not surprising. There’s the official story and the private truth."
"I can’t stand your aunt tonight. She had her hands all over me!"
"I don’t want change! It’s for you. My son’s first cab ride!"
"I thought I’d finally met an intelligent, good-looking, thoughtful woman."
"You’re right! That one’s brighter, more youthful."
"I’m more of a history and literature person. But I can learn."
"For a long time she seemed sad and distracted, but no one ever knew why."
"That’s right. I learned self-defense and combat skills, and became a martial arts champion."
"I didn’t want you to think this was why I came."
"I didn’t think I would ever interest anyone again."
"It’s just hard for me to leave. I’m scared I’ll never see him again."
"I’m sorry, that’s not what I mean. You just won’t sell nearly as many."