
We All Looked Up Quotes

We All Looked Up by Tommy Wallach

We All Looked Up Quotes
"Why spend your life worried about something that hasn’t happened yet?"
"Nothing really matters. Like, if it’s all so fragile anyway, then it was never really real, you know?"
"It’s like Andy said. ‘Whatever it is, it’s not worth it.’"
"To my mind, the physical threat is less of a danger than the psychological threat."
"There’s still time for you to do things that matter. Even if it’s just being there for someone who’s freaking out."
"The secret goal of all philosophy was to figure out the best way to die."
"Just the thought of it made her want to cry. And as she lifted the viewfinder to her face, the guy who’d been scrubbing the windows stood up."
"The only effective sedative was sunrise; somehow, seeing the world spinning its way back into day temporarily interrupted the dark thoughts."
"No, the key was to make sure there was never a free moment in which to think."
"Violence is like lightning. It's over as soon as it starts."
"Could love really disappear so quickly? Or did that mean it had never been there in the first place?"
"There's more coming for you than an asteroid now."
"Who's dumber? The guy who does his own thing, or the girl who does someone else's thing?"
"Everything is fleeting. It's like Ardor is this special tone of light we've never had before, and it's shining down and infusing every single object and person on the planet. I just want to document that light, before it's gone."
"The commandment is honor thy mother and father. Not the other way around."
"The pictures you put up on the blog yesterday were wicked."
"It's the end of the world and we're stuck here, I figured I might as well ask."
"Hate is only a temporary failure to perceive our absolute interdependence. It’s not real."
"Blame is just a way to keep score, and adults don’t play games like that."
"Fairness is a matter of opinion, sir. We’re trying to ration."
"If the world doesn’t end, remind me to buy some Exxon stock."
"It’s gotten a little depressing in here. We can make, like, a festival out of it."
"None of that stuff mattered anymore. All that mattered was the quest."
"Perpetual shit, with occasional breaks for pouring shit."
"The end of the world revealed the futility of all commemorative plaques."
"The popular shall become unpopular. The freak shall inherit the Earth."
"See the luck I’ve had can make a good man turn bad, so please please please, let me get what I want."
"Every good sit-in requires one guy in a nice suit. It lends an air of sophistication to the proceedings."
"We spend all our lives standing up on a ledge like this, but we pretend not to notice. Everybody working away at their jobs, saving their pennies, having their kids, when all it takes is one shove... and down you go."
"That no matter how bad he wanted it or how he hard he tried to get it, he would never be worthy of anyone’s love."
"Right now, that dog is only thinking about one thing. I’d kill to be like that."
"We all do what we have to do to get by, right?"
"And even if the menu looked like some classified document that had been heavily redacted—at least 80 percent of it was x-ed out—there was still enough fuel for the generator to make hot coffee, and toast, and pancakes, and hash browns, and that was enough right there to keep the sleigh bell above the door jingling."
"Sometimes she thought about going home, where she could trade a bit of groveling for a warm bed and some homemade food. But then she would remember her mother’s face the last time they spoke—you go and damn yourself—and she figured she’d sooner sleep out on the street than go crawling back."
"Trying to stay angry at someone you loved was like trying to keep an ice cube from melting in a cup of hot chocolate: impossible."
"Every life ended in apocalypse, in one way or another. And when that apocalypse arrived, it would be pretty cold comfort to think: Well, at least I don’t have that much to lose."
"You don’t win the game of life by losing the least. That would be one of those—what were they called again?—Pyrrhic victories. Real winning was having the most to lose, even if it meant you might lose it all. Even though it meant you would lose it all, sooner or later."
"No amount of terror could stop the great human need to connect. Or maybe, terror was actually at the heart of that need."
"Hatred and dislike and even indifference were all luxuries, born of the mistaken belief that anything could last forever."
"Beauty always made a target of its possessor."
"Women were; they had to be. And even if someone bothered to sail over and disembark, he’d soon discover that there was always a castle at the center of the island, surrounded by a deep moat, with a rickety drawbridge and archers manning the battlements and a big pot of oil poised above the gate, ready to boil alive anyone who dared to cross the threshold."
"It wasn’t like she’d expected, hardly any resistance at all, and from the darkness came one small human noise, just a quiet moan—ohhhh—like a last-minute revelation."
"It was all right. He’d protected them—his friends, his family, his karass. Even if it was only for a few extra hours, he’d kept them safe. No Pyrrhic victory, then, whatever happened. A real victory."
"Fear of disappearing, of the dark, of the unknown."
"It wouldn't really count as mercy if they deserved it."
"Maybe when they felt that mercy, it would be just enough to convince them to change."
"Life was symbolized by that grotesque pumping organ, always threatening to clog, or break, or attack."
"The purest denial of death that there could be: the stubborn ecstasy of the body, the indefatigable heart."
"It was still worth being alive. I really do believe that."
"People die! They die and they're gone forever!"
"Laughing in the face of what they couldn't predict or change or control."
"Praying for forgiveness. Praying for grace. Praying for mercy."