
Bloodline Quotes

Bloodline by Sidney Sheldon

Bloodline Quotes
"His waiting had the patience of a hunter, the quiet stillness of a man in control of his body and his emotions."
"...A terrible accident! Believe me, Mr. Williams, we are all devastated."
"Sam Roffe, president of Roffe and Sons, the second largest pharmaceutical company in the world, a multibillion-dollar dynasty that girdled the globe."
"The office was filled with the odors of Hajib Kafir, his sickly sweet tobacco, his acrid Turkish coffee, his fat, oily body."
"I want you to send four cables in company code. They’re going to different countries. I want them hand-delivered by our own messengers."
"It was easier to sit in the dark with his thoughts."
"He grew up in a fabled land where the very names were poetry."
"He was like a sponge, erasing the past, soaking up the future."
"I’m sorry. I can’t change the rules, even for you."
"Anna Roffe Gassner knew that she must not let herself scream again or Walther would return and kill her."
"You belong here at Roffe and Sons. That’s why I bought that horse-and-buggy outfit you were with."
"I’ll be gone soon, you convasse. I’ll be rich on your money and there’s nothing you can do about it."
"I have your wife’s IOU’s here for a thousand pounds, Sir Alec. She had a rotten run at roulette."
"We simply can’t afford it," he had told her. "You’re spending more than I’m making."
"You have a big bundle of stock in Roffe and Sons, don’t you, Alec baby?"
"It’s amazing what people can do when they have to," Swinton said genially.
"You’re absolutely right, Madame Netturova. I will see to it that Elizabeth is suitably punished."
"You want to make money? Save your pennies, boy, and one day you’ll have enough to buy a fine business like mine."
"He’s gone crazy," Samuel’s mother-in-law said. He’s the laughingstock of the neighborhood, teaching Abraham and Jan English, Joseph German, Anton French and Pitor Italian.
"No strangers. The stock must never leave the family."
"We're going to be big. We're going to be bigger than the Rothschilds."
"Everything else must go back into the business."
"I've never understood then why lovers count their happiness in days and nights and years, while our love can only be measured in our joys and sighs and tears."
"Remember, girls, the smartest clothes in the world will look terrible if you wear the wrong accessories."
"It’s unbelievable. It’s—it’s as though you’re running a country."
"For every new drug that works, there are about a thousand that end up in this room."
"I can’t leave her, dear child. You see, I love her."
"Something in her mind seemed to freeze, and it was as if there was a thin veil between her and reality."
"The whole world is yours. Why do you want to become a slave to something as dull as business when you could be out, having a wonderful time, traveling—"
"I’ll guarantee that no one’s touched it in the last six months."
"We’re getting heavy returns from drugstores. It’s just not catching on. We need more advertising."
"If anyone had wet them before she started, she wouldn’ta had no brakes at all."
"The business world is a jungle. If your competitors suspect that you’ve been wounded, they move in for the kill."
"It’s just about ready for testing on human beings."
"Emotions were imprecise and untidy, a waste of energy that could not move the smallest grain of sand one inch, while logic could move the world."
"This is my beautiful son John. Your drugs did this to him. I am going to kill you."
"It’s one of five people," Max was saying. "They all have a motive and they had the opportunity."
"Help me! Please! Call the police. Tell them my husband has killed our children. He’s going to kill me. Hurry! Get away from here before he—"
"I—I’m not sneaking," she said. "Today is my day to clean. The agency—"
"I’m afraid I have to fly to Paris this afternoon, Liz."
"If she had an accident, you would inherit her estate."
"I come to see your wife," Donatella said stiffly.
"Workers feed our mills, turn the wheels in our factories. They are the true elite of this country."
"You’re to go home as quickly as possible. There has been an accident."
"The children are dead," Anna Gassner shrieked.
"Our labor force is what makes our country great."
"I can’t see you here." He hesitated. I’ll come there."
"I’ve been thinking about you. Let’s go home and play hooky this afternoon."
"I think you had better be prepared. It’s unlikely that she’ll ever walk again."
"My name is Donatella Spolini," the voice said.
"I’ll be there," she said. "How will I know you?"
"I tried to reach you by phone. It is urgent that we meet again soon to make our plans…"
"It’s gotten worse. I don’t know if I can land."