
The Escape Room Quotes

The Escape Room by Megan Goldin

The Escape Room Quotes
"In short, we’re cut off from the outside world. We’re going to have to figure this out without any help from Google."
"For every two of you who will make it, one of you will fall short."
"By the end of the week any ideals we’d held before we started working at the firm, whatever half-baked notions we held on everything from climate change to social justice, were wiped away in one fell swoop."
"That’s why I gave a generous tip to the bellboy who showed me to my room in New York."
"That night we sat in his box and afterwards went for drinks at his private members club."
"You won’t find another company anywhere that will give you this level of experience from the get-go."
"We had been conditioned to do whatever the firm needed in return for a reward."
"The Winning Way with instructions to memorise key passages."
"The firm spoiled us rotten during induction week."
"Being taken to task over tomatoes and the length of my skirt was not the career that I’d envisaged when I graduated top of my MBA class."
"Pretend inferiority and encourage their arrogance."
"The firm takes a very dim view of sharing remuneration information. It’s an iron-clad rule. We need to stick to it."
"You should be careful, Sara. They’re not just nasty, they’re dangerous."
"We work the deals, they take the credit – and most of the bonus."
"There are winners and losers in this world. So pick a side, Sara, and don’t ever look back at the trail of people you’ve trampled into the ground."
"It’s ironic. They’re born blind but eventually they develop acute vision. Among the best of any mammal. Humans, by contrast, are born with the ability to see but become blind."
"The fact is that twenty-four hour days aren’t enough for people in our line of work."
"You shouldn’t count on going home for the holidays. Nine times out of ten there is something that comes up on the eve of a holiday and you have to cancel."
"You have to kiss ass. That’s the game. Just try to keep it tasteful."
"It’s the people who are too stupid to know how dumb they are who drag us all down."
"Your allegiance should be to our client, to the firm and, above everything else, to your own net wealth."
"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."
"Pretend to be weak, so they may grow arrogant."
"The winners are the one per cent who get to live the dream. The losers are everyone else."
"They’re all dumb fucks for depending on an obsolete industry."
"Lucy was quiet and self-contained, but she had an amazing work ethic."
"Time doesn’t heal the pain. It just dulls it."
"Once a person had killed, surely it wouldn’t be too hard to do it again."
"It was a luxury that initially I savoured after my awful experience with Stacey, my roommate in Chicago. But after Lucy died, my apartment felt cold and unwelcoming."
"What if I hadn’t volunteered to go to Seattle to help out on the bid for a mining company in Alaska? What if I’d been around in those last few days before she died? Would things have turned out differently?"
"The biggest question related to a call I received a few days before Lucy’s death."
"She looked like someone who had endured great tragedy but never succumbed to it."
"It comes with the territory. If I want to move up in the firm then I have to work the hours."
"I felt like I’d lost a lifeline. There was no family home any more. I had nowhere to return to, no safety net."
"It was about two months after Lucy died that my flatmate Amanda convinced me to go with her to a party."
"The most remarkable part of all of this is that we've been able to stand each other's company for this long."
"I'm sure we've spent more time together over the past seven years than we have with our families. I’d say we have tolerated each other quite well."
"You submit sloppy work – riddled with mistakes – and then you try to tell me that it’s not yours. Take responsibility for your mistakes, Sara."
"It was supposed to be one trade. But a few months later another opportunity presented itself and that time they made close to five million."
"I realised every one was wearing some type of tight black leather costume. Some were holding whips and chains."
"Success was an integral part of Kevin’s image."
"I settled on the name Stephanie Anderson. I’d found thousands of women by that name in my searches."
"I chose a Stephanie Anderson from Indianapolis and memorised scraps of her biography."
"I was thrilled. Once I started the job, I rented a dingy one-room apartment near the office."
"I loved the coding. It was the first thing that I’d done in a long time that challenged me intellectually."
"I adopted a lower pitch and different intonations that became second nature over time."
"They were creatures of habit. They arrived a few minutes before 7.30 a.m. holding takeout coffee."
"Their hands were soft, and clean, and free of calluses. But only because they never touched the blood they spilt."
"I cultivated ordinariness as camouflage, to blend into their narcissistic corporate lives."
"Death, after all, was the ultimate equaliser."
"The key was patience. And I was very, very patient."
"I wasn’t too worried about them. How much trouble could four investment bankers get into in a locked elevator?"
"My mother used to tell me that the best revenge is to live well."