
Crave Quotes

Crave by Melissa Darnell

Crave Quotes
"But the town’s founding families, locally referred to as the Clann due to their Irish ancestry, had ruined it for me. Now when I heard the wind in the trees, it sounded like whispering, as if the trees themselves had joined the town’s grapevine of gossips."
"And then I felt it. It was like a poisonous gas spreading over my skin, seeping past my shirt to make my skin crawl. And alien…whatever it was, the sensation definitely wasn’t coming from me."
"I wondered if Tristan would notice, then banished that thought. He was in the Clann. Worse, he was the son of the Clann’s leading family."
"Life would be a lot easier if I didn’t. The way I felt about Savannah was all mixed-up. Once, she’d been my best friend. And the first girl I’d ever kissed."
"Because of that, I’d had to practically beg just to be allowed to play. Any other parents in East Texas would have sacrificed an arm and a leg for their kid to play high-school football."
"At the same time, faint prickles raced over the back of my neck and down my arms."
"I sighed, defeat making me even more tired. "I don’t get you two. Or Tristan. You guys used to be my best friends. What did I ever do to—"
"I tried to think about something else, anything at all. Something soothing. Something… Tristan’s eyes staring down at me. The sound of his voice, low and husky, whispering my nickname, asking me if I was okay."
"I still had nightmares about the way Savannah had looked at me when I’d had to tell her we couldn’t hang out together anymore. The raw hurt in her eyes that day, and every time she’d looked at me since, was all the Clann’s fault."
"I needed to see Savannah’s back. Obviously she was sick. She should be seeing a doctor right now, not trying to tough it out in school."
"But he didn’t turn away. Instead, he stood there watching me."
"Suddenly, I felt someone standing next to me."
"Total silence, not only at our table, but at all the surrounding tables too, made my cheeks burn."
"I cringed, hoping I hadn’t hurt his feelings."
"Your eyes aren’t that different, at least not in a way I can really describe."
"I don’t remember most of last week beyond Monday afternoon."
"I’ll be too busy. Got a different kind of homework tonight."
"I’d work to be the best dancer they’d ever had. Just give me a chance."
"My heart leaped into my throat, cutting off all airflow."
"I couldn’t take my gaze off the happy group of girls. Next year’s Charmers. A team I wasn’t good enough to be on."
"The council are very cautious, Savannah. They do not like any threats to the secrecy of our world."
"We do not want them to begin to question you, either."
"If I could do magic, I’d do it all the time…to finish my homework, to help untangle and style my hair."
"But everything Jacksonville’s golden prince did was perfect."
"It got you to bare your legs for a few seconds."
"That’s better," he murmured. "So tell me about your day."
"I could at least forget that I wasn’t quite normal."
"You sound like me on my first day as a manager."
"I'm not ignoring you. Just trying not to scare you away again."
"How do you ever expect to lead the Clann if you keep wasting your time like this?"
"So, I suddenly have a lot of extra time on my hands."
"I'm just so sick of all this football nonsense."
"I don't need a slave, Savannah. If I want something, I'll get it myself."
"Don’t worry about that. So listen, Bethany had an interesting suggestion."
"You’re not friends anymore because you shoved him at the game?"
"I need something else to do, or I’m gonna go crazy here."
"I don’t always like the rules, either, but you don’t hear me whining about it all the time."
"I’m saying leave her alone. She’s done nothing to you, so just back off."
"Magic isn't always amazing. Sometimes it's a real pain in the butt."
"Because asking me to stay away from you is asking too much."
"I wish I could go back to sleep and pick up where it had ended."
"I can never relax, never forget about it. I get tired of it."
"It's like keeping your hand clenched up in a fist every second you're awake."
"I'm not losing my best friend just because some player finally got hit with a dose of karma."
"He protected you from the Warty Boys in algebra and then later from Greg because he was feeling guilty for being such a jerk for years."
"It was like plugging myself into a low-voltage battery minus the unpleasant shock… I could feel the electric energy, so warm, so bright and good, flowing from him to me, filling me up."
"But he hadn’t attempted to see me or even talk to me for weeks after the first eye contact. So how could he have been gaze dazed then?"
"We’re talking about lying to our parents. A lot. And often."
"You worry too much. Parents aren’t all-powerful."
"Maybe you do. But I’ve never broken the rules before."
"It’s time we take back control over our own lives."
"If ever two people were meant to be together, we were it."
"Everything might change if he knew the truth."
"I’m sorry. I know I wasn’t supposed to. I swear I tried not to."
"Unfortunately, such things are not up to me to decide."
"I wasn’t going to drink a whole glass of blood. I wasn’t that far gone. Yet."
"Just because it smelled good didn’t mean it was anything anyone in their right mind should be guzzling."
"So far, you are still immune to the elder vampires’ ability to control fledgling vampires’ wills."
"If the bloodlust continues to strengthen within you, you may not have a choice eventually."
"Fine, let’s go. Seeing as how I obviously have no choice."
"Why would Tristan have forgotten to lock up?"
"Do not forget to call your mother and grandmother."
"I’d always thought he cared more about the council than me."
"Emotions were the real danger, hurting me, distracting me, making me lose control."
"I was a vampire in the making. There was no point denying it."
"I am only sorry you thought otherwise of me."