
Luck Of The Devil Quotes

Luck Of The Devil by Meghan March

Luck Of The Devil Quotes
"Don’t you ever fucking ask me for another thing. The world doesn’t give shit to kids like you. You’re a waste of space. Fucking worthless, just like your whore of a mother."
"He will never fucking put his hands on me again."
"I’m waiting for the security guards to get on with their shift so I could keep moving."
"I slipped between the open doors of the container into the pitch black."
"We’ve had this kid locked in a container for ten goddamned days?"
"You’re lucky as hell we found you when we did. A few more days without water . . ."
"I’m Captain Isaac Marcos. This is my ship, the Fortuna. Welcome aboard, Jericho Forge."
"I never forget meetings. Especially not meetings when one of my business partners has flown halfway across the world to meet on my turf."
"I can’t even remember the last time I went out of my way to make a woman smile or laugh, let alone change my plans for one."
"I won’t take another chance that you’re going to fall and crack your head."
"That’s not it. I just know you won’t answer a single one."
"I’m going to kill him with my bare hands, and I don’t give a fuck who he is."
"You might have her now, but you’ll never be able to keep her."
"You might be staring at my dick while they’re shaking my hand."
"I’m going to need an advance on that hundred seventy-five mil you owe me."
"I don’t know how your arrangements with your women worked in the past, but I’m going to lay out how things are going to work between us."
"I’m going to live my life and you’re going to live yours. You don’t bother me; I won’t bother you."
"Tough shit. Because I’ve got a game, and I’m gonna play it and win, which means I need a million in cash from you right now."
"You can’t help people who don’t want to be helped."
"I’m not leaving until I hear what Belevich has to say, because if there’s a chance he was involved with Summer’s kidnapping, I need to know."
"There’s nothing she wouldn’t do for me or Summer. We’re her life, which sometimes seems unfair, but I think that’s the way it was meant to be."
"You’re a multimillionaire, Ace. Don’t sell yourself short."
"The only reason it’s easy is because it’s you."
"Life does somehow seem to work in strange ways, even when we don’t understand why."
"I don’t know what to say or what to think. He completely blew me away. It’s also the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me in my life."
"You don’t have to say anything. In fact, you have a hell of a lot of homework to catch up on before you need to get to sleep so you’re rested for the morning."
"Because you’re not a means to an end anymore. You’re inside me. In my head. In the blood running through my fucking veins."
"I’m not fucking you tonight, India. Not because there’s nothing more I’d rather do, but because if I start, we’re going to stay up all night. And you have to play in the morning with a clear head and not be sleep deprived."
"Yes, in shipping," I say as I slide my arm around Indy’s waist. "But she’s the catch, not me."
"I’m learning a few things . . . like how to make you laugh."
"I’m not going to let anything happen to you. If you believe nothing else I say, believe that."