
Paradise Valley Quotes

Paradise Valley by Robyn Carr

Paradise Valley Quotes
"I never meant for something like that to happen. I shouldn’t have let it happen. It’s all my fault."
"It’s very important that you understand something."
"I’ll try to work with you as much as you allow me to, but if you try to separate me from my children, I’ll fight."
"I can’t make you like me, but I can make you allow me to be a father to my children."
"I don’t want to waste your time or mine. I served some felony time. If that’s going to stop you cold, let’s not go through the routine."
"The thing that did it, the thing that knocked me out for a while… When I told the sergeant who called that I’d get right over to Germany, he asked me if I didn’t want to wait until Rick was out of surgery, until they knew his condition, in case he didn’t make it."
"It’s his girl. He loves her. And she knew all day. There’s a bond."
"I’ll make up school. This is Rick. I have to be there with him."
"If it’s not your fanciest dinner tonight, no one will complain."
"But I checked on her and told her to call one of us if she had any problems related to this scary news."
"He’s going to be all right. He cracked his head, lost a spleen, is scraped up all to hell, but the injuries are apparently not life threatening at this point."
"When I lived in Los Angeles, I worked with a doctor in emergency for almost a year before I learned he wore a prosthetic leg."
"Close," she said, sitting straighter and smiling, very proud of herself.
"Cameron! What a thing to say!" Then she smiled. "And I couldn't have said it better."
"You know, I'm getting sick of that word, huge."
"Okay, I'll carry the babies and you support me," he suggested, winding his own spaghetti around his fork and grinning.
"It's pretty normal. Pregnant women cry a lot, whether they need to or not."
"You just plain turn me on. Every bit of you—your laugh, your scent, your eyes, your hands, your soft hair…your mouth. When I look at your mouth, I almost lose my mind with lust."
"You were like heaven. I couldn’t believe I was that lucky."
"I’m not just a guy under the same blanket with a girl. If it wasn’t you, this wouldn’t be happening."
"You probably didn’t realize it, but my hand has wandered while we slept."
"I’ll support you and the kids, I’ll be a good father, I’ll—"
"I thought about you afterward. All the time."
"I understand, Abby. It doesn’t matter what place I have in your life—I’ll never run out on you."
"I can’t imagine being away from you ever again. You’ve made me so happy."
"It's hard to stay away from her, hard not to be with her. For a long time, like four years, Liz was my whole life."
"But you're too angry and afraid of disappointment to let yourself return to it."
"I’m not going to talk about that. Cheryl is a good person who had a mighty big burden with her drinking."
"But she’s not the same woman. Honest to God, I would’ve thought that even sober, she’d be a little slow-witted, unmotivated. Damaged. But she seems to have beat the odds—she’s just incredible."
"Everyone could have been different, but there was nothing you could have done to make it so."
"If one thing made it through all the cement in my head, it’s that if I have one drink, I’m probably going to die."
"I never saw any hope. But I see her now and she’s not the same woman."
"We’ve all been through bad times we’d like to forget."
"We were aiming at each other and I was the lucky one."
"It's very important to me that at the end of the day I made it right with one of the nicest people I know."
"You believed in me when you shouldn’t have, and all the thanks you got was getting screwed because I cared more about drugs than I did about you."
"Feed the hungry. Educate poor children. But, Abby, it’s a cashier’s check and it’s money you were swindled out of."
"How about you fight with someone who isn’t afraid to hit back? How about that?"
"I’d trade anything to just be what I was before!"
"You’re going to get her right back. She just needs to be cleaned off, warmed up, diapered and swaddled."
"I’d give both my legs if you could have yours!"
"I’m never going to be that kid that just grins through every ugly thing. That part of my life got blown up."
"I have to admit, I hate that psycho—but I have to admit, it’s helped, though I sure couldn’t tell you how."
"You’re one of the most special women I’ve known."
"I’d never have made it through anything without you."
"I’m dead in love with you and it suits me just fine for the whole world to know it."