
Kingdom Of The Blind Quotes

Kingdom Of The Blind by Louise Penny

Kingdom Of The Blind Quotes
"Sometimes the best thing we can do is nothing."
"Life became simple, primal: Heat. Water. Food. Companionship."
"It’s not enough that the bitter winter wanted to kill them, first it had to blind."
"As with so much in life, it was, Myrna knew, a matter of inches between safe and sorry."
"It was always what you couldn’t see that hurt you."
"You think of the worst. The very worst. That would be the very best that could happen."
"They knew the Baroness. Not Bertha Baumgartner."
"It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live."
"My turn," said Myrna, taking the shovel from Benedict, who was both sweating and freezing.
"I helped once, and look where it got us. If she wants help, she has to come to it herself."
"Feel better?" asked Gamache, his voice steady. "Getting the bile out? Spewing over someone else?"
"Where did you get it from? Who sold it to you?" he asked, menace in his voice now.
"What he did understand was that there were judgments. Plural. Lots of them."
"Like trench warfare, only pausing to retrench."
"I be Armand Gamache, Head Chief of that Sûreté du Québec."
"It was like being hugged and shoved at the same time."
"In grief people were themselves and not themselves."
"The strong collapsed. The weak strengthened."
"People choose to break the law. They don’t choose to be gay."
"She was as good as her dead brother was bad."
"It’s the sort of thing someone who works here would say. I’m not saying you don’t believe it. I’m saying most people don’t have the luxury to pick and choose."
"It has caverns and abysses and all sorts of traps."
"I’m always suspicious of anyone who feels they need to impress with surroundings rather than track record."
"Everything’s an investment, Chief Inspector."
"You don’t want to waste your time with people you don’t like or doing something you don’t find fulfilling."
"The street loves a rumor, and a scandal, and especially loves a fall from a great height, even if it’s unfair. Especially if it’s unfair."
"The sins I was told were mine from birth / And the Guilt of an old inheritance."
"It was what we expected, and without that letter the Baron and Baroness’s wishes won’t be followed. They’ll keep it for themselves."
"Did you know that the Russians used carfentanil in that hostage taking a few years ago? They pumped it into the air supply, to knock everyone out. But they had no idea what they were dealing with."
"I wasn’t just helping her, I’d seen what this whole feud had done to my mother, my aunt, my grandparents. Myself."
"Ahhh," said Myrna. There was nothing like the pain of the present to cure the pain of the past.
"I hope you know," he began, lifting his eyes to the young couple, "that it’s far too late for lies. And there’ve been far too many already."
"The idea is to run around the village green at minus twenty, in our bathing suits, wearing snowshoes?"
"We need proof, Agent Cloutier," said Jean-Guy. "But this at least tells us where to look."
"They knew the judgment in Vienna was coming soon, and both worried that when it was announced, whichever family won wouldn’t want to share."
"It’s my responsibility to make sure we don’t inadvertently help clients hide money."
"She took her three children off and put you on."
"What language would you choose to die in? It matters."