
A Brush With Love Quotes

A Brush With Love by Mazey Eddings

A Brush With Love Quotes
"Nothing screamed 'perfect start to a Monday' like drenched scrub pants and freezing rain pelting down from every angle."
"The stress had her averaging a solid three hours of sleep a night."
"You were like a feral animal when I made a grab for your phone."
"What's some mild manhandling between friends."
"I don’t put out on the first date. Need to know you’ll still respect me in the morning."
"The goddess of hormones decided she hadn’t suffered enough."
"But suffocating guilt and familial duty always stopped him from quitting."
"A safety net of people that would welcome me in."
"I think to be an innuendo, it has to be subtle. That was anything but."
"I’m not really willing to part with any of it, but I’d be happy to sneeze into a tissue if that’s okay with you."
"I’m sure my winning personality will make his day all the brighter."
"I’ve removed much sturdier teeth from men with drastically stronger, thicker bone."
"You see, you aren’t special, Mr. Owen. You’re one of the least exciting cases I have, compared to something like an orthognathic surgery or trauma intervention."
"What’s not to love? Relieving people’s pain, getting to work on the complexities of the body, all within the confines of a millimeter or two?"
"Being book smart doesn’t always equate to clinical intelligence."
"Thank God you embrace toxic masculinity with such gusto."
"He moved in slowly and pressed his lips against her forehead in a featherlight touch."
"It soothed the ache in his chest. Calmed the fire in his veins."
"Meanwhile, Sexual Tension had invited herself over."
"She wanted to destroy any space that still sat between them."
"Her heart was squeezing so tightly she worried what would happen if he withheld his touch any longer."
"I think Ekta’s Indian buffet we went to last Wednesday may be better."
"She raised me herself. I never knew my dad, and I never really cared."
"You better keep Harper’s name out of your filthy fucking mouth."
"I want you more than you know. But I need to know you want me back."
"No one had ever witnessed her panic at that level."
"It’s this amazing new energy drink called self-control. You just make sure you have a tiny bit before you start drinking and poof—you wake up hangover-free. Patent pending."
"I care about my grades. And residencies care. And I care about getting into residency."
"Your best isn’t the same thing as your breaking, Harper. I think you confuse the two, but one of these days you need to learn the difference."
"Without the pressure, I don’t perform. That’s what this whole stupid Dan thing has proven."
"It’s a copy of the first anatomical drawing of a maxillary canine. I got it when I was accepted to dental school."
"I always assumed it was the hands of someone else that took my mom from me."
"Maybe it’s ridiculous. Maybe it’s true. I don’t think it really matters."
"It’s almost like if I fail, she’ll have died for nothing."
"If anyone deserves a little slack, it's you."
"I'm worried about you and I need you to breathe."
"I promise you we'll work something out. I promise."
"There's no shame in getting help. In going to therapy."
"You deserve to live without this pain pressing on you."