
I Believe In A Thing Called Love Quotes

I Believe In A Thing Called Love by Maurene Goo

I Believe In A Thing Called Love Quotes
"I believed, and still believe, that you can build your dreams brick by brick. That you can accomplish anything with persistence."
"The very first thing he tried, however, was staring at an object for hours to make it move."
"Despite that, for years after, I believed I could move things with my mind."
"My memories of the time right after my mom’s death have grown hazy, but they always involve a version of my dad that only existed in those months."
"I stared at it, physically unable to look at Luca. My cheeks were hot and my heart was pounding in my ears—so loud that I couldn’t believe it wasn’t being heard by everyone on planet Earth."
"True love. I wanted to scoff at that, but the lurch in my chest when I saw Luca’s drawing was something I had never felt before."
"I have never witnessed this level of emotion from human beings, on-screen or off. So. Many. Tears."
"Feminism isn’t just one thing. Me taking control of my love life is totally feminist."
"Okay, well, usually they just have to be brave and not be so embarrassed. Many drama girls are very strong and that is why the boys like them even if they aren’t the prettiest ones."
"Good thing there was nothing that motivated me more than hearing that I couldn’t do something."
"You wanna look properly made-out with or what?"
"Thank you, that made this creepy party totally worth coming to."
"No! God, not everyone’s hitting the janga during parties."
"The K drama steps? You need to seize this opportunity!"
"What’s wrong with you? Am I the one freaking defacing public property right now?"
"So why’s your dad so worried about his reputation? What does he do?"
"A lot of people want to be doctors. Not all of them know the names of every piece of medical equipment."
"Aren’t you a science nerd? Everyone knows if you keep your head warm, you’ll warm up the rest of your body."
"Sketches don’t have to be unfinished, they can be their own finished pieces, too."
"Don’t let narrow-minded people try to define it for you."
"It was his ease with them, his absolute faith in their creativity that made me want to scramble across the table and plant a kiss on that mouth of his."
"It felt nice to have spent an afternoon making these kids happy."
"I can’t even believe we’re doing this right now."
"People hardly ever stepped out of their air-conditioned homes."
"It’s really nuts. I might actually graduate high school with a boyfriend."
"The careful and sensitive lines, the quiet moment captured."
"Crisis averted. Saved by the list once again."
"That energy could be expended on other things."
"And when the train finally passed us, we were left with a whole lot of silence."
"I pushed him away, laughing. 'So romantic.' But I couldn’t stop smiling and my hand covered my mouth to hide it."
"I was hiding in there, holding my breath, my eyes trying to adjust to the dark when I felt hands grab me from behind."
"I think I should be the one asking questions. What the heck were you excited about? Those cats?"
"Everything reminding me of him: ramen, pencils, T-shirts, ice, my house, the Buick, my bed, trains, morning glories, the ocean, breathing."
"The idea of leaving the K drama steps completely unnerved me, and I felt like I was suddenly plummeting from the sky without anything to hold me up."
"And then there was my painting. 'Ta-da!' I cried. 'Behold, the mastery of rudimentary painting skills!'"
"This is why I wanted you to move here. So I could get to know you better. And all this? Makes me understand you a little more. And I’m proud."
"You’re a liar. Everyone around me is a liar. My dad, the cheater. My ex-girlfriend, the manipulator. And you… you’re the same."
"Des, parents are going to worry no matter what. You can’t always protect him, no matter how perfect you try to be."
"Bananas stop you-know-what. And according to a few disgusting Google searches, I found out yogurt helps repopulate gut bacteria."
"Prove that you are different from all other women—in the entire world."
"I’m sure some of it was owed to my current numb state—but it also felt like one piece of my life. Part of a bigger picture."
"This is beyond. I knew you had it in you to go overboard, but I always thought it was harmless. Endearing, even. Not manipulative, like some scheming… like Emily."
"I want my dad to know that I can be the best, like my mom was. Stanford is…"
"You cannot control who you love, Desi, but you can always control how hard you fight, okay?"
"Sometimes you just have to accept the shit that life hands you."
"Unexpected things happen, but it’s how we react to them, how we learn and evolve from these things that shapes us into who we are."
"Real love: It was all about risk and having faith. There were no guarantees."
"You don’t need Stanford, Des, they need you. You’re a once-in-a-lifetime deal."
"Just sit back and believe, it’s so much more fun that way."