
Heaven's Keep Quotes

Heaven's Keep by William Kent Krueger

Heaven's Keep Quotes
"You think God struck her plane out of the air?"
"She’ll probably turn up by morning and she’ll have a hell of a story to tell, buddy."
"Sometimes it just seems there can never be enough prayers."
"One man’s vision may be another’s nightmare."
"The truth is that I married the rancher’s daughter."
"If I hear that there was some way I could’ve helped and you didn’t ask me, I’ll be well and truly pissed."
"It’s in God’s hands. It’s always in God’s hands."
"You were sheriff of Tamarack County for quite a while. You dealt with your share of persons missing in those great North Woods, I’ll bet."
"A few missing Indians wouldn’t be news for long."
"I saw a white door in a yellow room. My mother went through the door and it closed behind her and I couldn’t open it."
"We’re not at all certain that we’re searching in the right places, Cork."
"The fault lay not with the land but with Cork’s expectations, with his own wounded spirit."
"There’s a lot of territory still to be covered."
"If you have children you’d be thinking that way."
"There’s a thermos of coffee in back, Harmon. Help yourself."
"We’ll stay with Nightwind until we’re clear of the mountains. Make sure the Absarokas don’t swallow another aircraft."
"God fucking damn it!" Bolt yelled. "You want me to get out and lift, Rude?"
"I know exactly where we are," Rude replied in a tight voice.
"We’re clear, Lame," Rude said into his mic. Then to his passengers he said, "We’re heading back."
"Dewey’ll call off the search, at least until this passes."
"She’s gone," Stephen said. He stared toward the mountains. "She’s really gone."
"Come on, Stephen," Cork said gently. "It’s time to go home."
"Stephen, if you don’t get a move on, we’ll be late."
"You don’t look half bad yourself," Stephen said and gave his father a playful punch.
"He was a modest man. He was no braggart. He was quiet, considerate, even a little shy."
"I hate lawsuits. Nobody wins in the end except the lawyers."
"He wasn’t a drunk. My husband wasn’t irresponsible. My husband was a good, loving, hardworking man."
"If you watched a two-hour tape of your wife, even if you never saw her face, would you know just from the way she moves, that it was her?"
"The work of building the Northern Lights development will be done by men and women hired locally."
"You can help that not happen," Burns said quietly.
"You take another step, I’ll have to shoot," he said. "Put those hands on top of your heads."
"If you think the plane landed at Lame’s airstrip, you must believe that he was involved. I’d be interested in knowing why you believe this."
"My turn," she said. "Where do you believe the plane landed?"
"We know that it wasn’t Clinton Bodine who flew the plane," Cork told her. "I believe he was dead before the charter ever left the ground in Wisconsin."
"You never know what kind of animal might be sneaking around. It's my job to protect this property and the livestock on it."
"I love Lame Nightwind, oh yes. And I love the Arapaho. And I love this country, the Owl Creek Reservation."
"I don't just work here, I live here. If there's something dirty in this county, I have to know."
"If God himself were coming in an hour, I wouldn't wait."
"The more folks we talk to, and believe me we've talked to a lot, the more will come asking the same questions if we vanish."
"In this country, you never know what kind of animal might be sneaking around."
"Whatever's inside, I don't care how bleak the truth is, it's better than living with the question."
"During the whole incident with Groat, that dog never uttered a sound. I bet he went to his death without a whimper."
"Not all of us have the luxury of being rich."
"It's the smell. Enough to gag anyone."
"He’s the only one who knows the truth about my wife, so it’s a chance I’m willing to take."
"You really intend to go after Nightwind? Just you and Parmer?"
"You have no idea what I’m capable of. Especially where my wife is concerned."
"Father Frank says that sometimes even good men do bad things."
"It can’t give you back the dead. You won’t see your wife again. Not in this life."
"In my experience, the only force powerful enough to make death stand back that way is love."