
The Old Fox Deceiv'd Quotes

The Old Fox Deceiv'd by Martha Grimes

The Old Fox Deceiv'd Quotes
"Certain kinds of people have always got away with murder!"
"Don’t ‘Kitty-me-love’ me, and you’ll not be gettin’ another until I see your money."
"I’ll tell all Rackmoor you posed for me in the nude!"
"That cat does more an honest day’s work than many I know."
"Guilt, redemption, sin! That’s what it’s all about."
"Raskolnikov wanted to show that certain kinds of people could do murder and not suffer for it."
"A grown man gettin’ beer money from a wee bairn, a pore, pore, motherless lad."
"You should be worrying about the state of your souls, not your purses!"
"Their sheer physical beauty — it seems to put them beyond the pale of common morality."
"He's not eager to go back to school, nor is my sister eager to have him back."
"It's not that. I certainly think you believe it."
"It's one thing to get through forty-eight hours of posing as someone else. But to play-act that out over a long period—?"
"Bunny-rabbits? Musta been half-a-dozen rabbits running around. Crazy."
"Vampire time. Face was half black, half white."
"I booked, man. Up the hill to Strawberry Flats. To see my girl."
"Sadness hunched on his chest, like an incubus-dream."
"He sighed. Was he even clever enough to be a cop?"
"The whole village lay before him, carved into the cliffside, stairsteps of houses, winding streets, tiny blue and green boats the only bright spots on the monochromatic grays of stone, sky, and sea."
"She reacted as if she thought it surely was Dillys March and clearly registered something less than pleasure."
"He wondered now if what he didn’t need was to be in an even worse position, to be faced with even more of the same, the dilemma which now confronted him."
"He did not know how to answer Wiggins’s question."
"The fear which had begun there had rooted firmly in her mind and could not be confined to its proper time and place."
"It's not safe to go in the streets any more, Mr. Jury. Nothing's safe."
"He supposed she never had to manage it by herself and then supposed she never had to."
"But he hardly had time to go away. In five minutes there was gabbling at the door."
"He wondered if the streets made her think of that limbo of ground which lay between the train she was once herded from and the camp."
"You listen, now. Bert gets money, I see to that. I told him just to go ahead and cash the pension cheques."
"The idée fixe, is that what you mean? A kind of madness?"
"I was her pet. Pet, objet d’art —she flashed me about like a perfectly cut gem."
"She would have loved the hunt and the kill at the end, if I might speak metaphorically."
"I think she’s the type who would have loved a suicide pact."
"And out of rage or vengeance or whatever, I killed her. Simple as that."
"My God, Inspector. Are you going to save me from the dock after all?"
"And she smiled, conveying somehow that her smile had carried with it all the malice of the universe."
"I think every word spoken that afternoon is etched into my mind with acid."
"The hatred simply washed over me like the sea, but not cold—more like a molten wave."
"Dillys was clever, very convincing — she could make you believe almost anything."
"I felt as if I were staring into that window through a pane of blood."
"It was like my whole system rejected what had happened like a transplanted heart."
"The rest felt... asleep. For a week after that, I was sick, I mean, literally."
"I was standing right above it. I just shoved her over..."
"I’m saying nothing about it just yet. I want to get this other business sorted out first."
"It’s too bad about that old red rag, a rag unlike all other rags, the dearer and more interesting the older and more worthless it becomes."
"I knows no more melancholic ceremony than taking the string out of one’s hat and folding up the old red rag at the end of the season."
"I always keep wondering. If I had been there, could I have saved her?"
"I’m not trying to excuse myself. But she was so quick, sir. I mean, I’ve never seen anyone move so quick."
"I never even thought of it. You’re wondering would I have let him swing for it, if it came to that?"
"I guess you can’t always depend on a dog, can you?"
"But then I heard a different sound, which came from above."
"I thought I had been only teasing him; I didn’t really think..."
"It was all well and good to hear about that stuff between the safe walls of Percy Blythe’s cottage; but it didn’t go down a treat to think of it when you were out here."
"It was a thatching tool, Percy Blythe told Jury, once they were inside his cottage."
"I can’t think any of them did it, to tell the truth."
"I’ve never known Les to take any interest in the hunt."
"You feel a hand on your shoulder, you wonder if it’s hooked to a body."
"It’s like some thing between a shout and a moan. Scared shit outta me."
"I’m tired of Julian’s ‘perfect alibi.’ Why is it so hard for you to believe that he’s the guilty one?"
"You might as well tell me, Lily. It’s all over, you know."